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Tobias grips my hand and says,

"Now?" I slowly nod, not exactly sure if I want to but...

We wake in a field, I instantly think crows. I shiver and Tobias smiles at me. He pulls me closer, into a hug.

"I'll guard you." I chuckle and snuggle my head into his shirt. The crows peck at his neck and arms, a few of them nibble at my hair and back but Tobias hits them away.

Next I face Peter. I'm even more terrified since him trying to throw me down the chasm. Me and Tobias are tied up together, Peter sets the long choppy grass on fire. It slowly burns towards are feet.

"You know what I smell? Rain." I say to him, the scene slowly disappears, leading us to my next situation.

Faceless people reach out for me so Tobias encloses me within his arms, saving me from the creatures. They tug at my hair and tug and my shirt but they stop. I look around me, letting go of Tobias.

I'm in a tank, with Tobias and a pipe is slowly filling with warm water. I decide to go Divergent, I reach my fingertips to the glass, Tobias does the same and together we crack the glass open. I swallow in a deep breath afterwards gasping for air which I couldn't find before.

I feel guilt rip me as I hold the gun out in front of me, Tobias nods at me, giving me the look of 'do it'. I don't, I turn the gun to myself and shoot. I wake to darkness.

I slip away from the darkness and I just about see a small light. I sit up and feel Tobias's prensence next to me. But when the light grows bigger, I see Tobias and my family bleeding, my feet were tied, I couldn't help. I closed my eyes and it got over to the next obstacle.

"Tris." Says a second Tobias. I reach out for the real one, but he's tied up against the closet, helpless to me. The second Tobias infront of me starts to kiss me, forcibly pushing my jumper up my body, I yank it back down and push him away. But he perseveres. He comes back again, this time grabbing my trousers, I try pushing him away but he starts to pull them down. I had no choice so I kick him and elbow his jaw and the simulation ends.

"I couldn't get it to work..." I say, my checks red. I burry my face in my hands ashamed of my own cowardice against my fear of that...

"It's okay Tris." Tobias comes to me, attepting to pull my hands away from my face. He might know about my intimacy fear but he doesn't understand how embarrassing this is right now...

"No, Tobias. It's...embarras-" He cuts me off still trying pry my hands away from face.

"Tris! Listen, I'm not going to force you to...to do anything you don't want to do." I look up at him, my face tear stained. He doesn't say anything when he sees me crying.

"I just...I...I don't know." I welcome his embrace, his arms slowly tangling around me, adding to my nerves.

"Tris, I love you. I don't know what it's going to take for you to understand that I won't force you to do anything." I let a single last tear go and Tobias wipes my eyes with his thumb.

"I love you too, Tobias." I add nothing more, too afraid I'll say something to upset myself or him.

"Come, on let's go." He slings his arm around my shoulder and we walk off back to the apartment.

We get back and he sends an appreciated smile. I go get ready and change before Tobias can see me. I thrown on a plain black top and as I pull up my black loose bottoms, Tobias comes in. I pull my pants on quicker but he just sits down on the bed.

"Tris..." I turn to him. "You know you don't need to hide yourself from me." I feel my face heat up and I sit next to him but face the floor.

"I just feel like I need to-" He stops me.

Divergent - FourTris (No war)Where stories live. Discover now