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"Tris?" Tobias calls. "Tris?" He beckons me with his words.

"What?" I say grumpily. I'm right in the middle of making our tea and he needs me. Idiot.

"I can't settle them."

"Can't isn't a word." I say, I believe that saying is wrong though. It is, the phrase itself is just an excuse.

"Tris." He says seriously. I turn to him, panicky stress lingering in my words as I speak.

"Can't you see I'm busy?" I grunt slightly and turn back to the cooker.

"Can't isn't a word." He recalls and I stand, staring at the pans. Oh no he didn't. I hear his footsteps, walking away from me. We're both angry and stressed, I get it but it's a silent anger. And sometimes, just sometimes, that is worse. And right now, I think it's worse.

Tobias doesn't come back in until he hears the clutters of me shoving the plates of food on our table. He picks up his plate.

"What-" He walks off with it, not bothering with an explanation. He goes into the kids' room, where they are both still crying and winging. I release a sigh, out of anger. I eat my food, letting scenarios of how I can talk to him about this. All of them seem to either end up in catastrophe or too perfect. Almost sinster perfect. So none of them are perfect.

I finish off my tea, the anger inside me slightly more settled than before. Well, not settles but dismissed for a while. We have better things to do than argue. I'll settle them in, because obviously he's incapable of that. I place my dirty plate and fork into the washing up bowl, leaving them for later, with the rest of the chores. I head straight to the twins' room and nudge Tobias as I walk past him but it was actually accidental. I don't say anything. I pick up Em and bob her up and down. Her cries are continuous, they drive me insane. I snuggle her into my chest and her whails turn into whimpers. Thank Lord. Then my Abnegation kicks in.

"Sorry." I say out loud. You would have thought after numerous years of living in Dauntless, I would have gotten rid of my old ways but I can't. They are here to stay, forever.

"For what?" He asks, seeming genuinely confused.

"Pushing you on the way in, I didn't mean to."

"Push? That was a nudge."

"Oh, same difference." I say like a stereotypical teenager. I was never a stereotypical teenager either. Another messed up thing.


"What?" I say getting wound up about his silly remarks.

"You know we love each other, so why can't we just talk like adults?" I hesitate, then reply.

"Because your acting like a child." I regret the words as soon as they come out. Big mistake. Mega, huge mistake.

"How am I? Tris?" He say in a low toned voice.

"I didn't mean that-"

"The truth always come out when your angry, Tris. Like when you claimed you wanted to go home in initiation."

"But I regret it. You aren't a child, I just thought..." I trail off, not really knowing how to explain to him that he was actually being childish before, by storming out. I hesitate again. I begin my explanation.

"So that's why you called me a child?" He pauses then looks me in my eyes. "Well, I want to be an adult then let's talk."

"Okay. I'm stressed." That's all I say for now. And he go on, about something I'm not particularly listening to.

"Right, now that's out of the way. I want to tell you I love you. And I'm taking you out as an apology. Okay?" I just nod and put Em back into her cot.

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