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"So..." I say slowly to Caleb, who had been waiting at our front door for a while. "Advice? On what?"

"Oh yeah, you know how I'm dating Isabelle, do you think she'll freak out if I tell her I'm seventeen?" I shake my head dramatically.

"You're not going to tell her."

"I can't lie to her..."

"Caleb, you have to. If you don't lie then she'll find out and you'll be at the bottom of the chasm within a week..." He sighs and I rub his shoulder.

"Lying will get easier, you've already done it to the whole of Dauntless." We both laugh.

"Yeah, you're right. Thank you, Beatrice." Caleb sends me a sincere smile and then leaves. I turn back to Tobias.

"That was over and done with quickly." Tobias states, in response I shrug.

"An Abnegation trait." He nods in agreement and we kiss.


"Party?" Christina shrieks, over hearing Zeke, he sighs.

"Oh God...Yeah...you want to come?"

"Of course! Tris, you're coming with me!" I frown. Oh God no...

"But-" She holds her hands to my face.

"No excuses." I sigh in defeat and continue to eat my bagel.

"I'll be around your house later, we are going full out in the looks department, my friend." Christina says to me, her eyebrows raising as she talks.

"Great." I say sarcastically, she squints at me.

"Four will like it." She winks and I for the multiple time in the conversation.

"Shut up." She laughs like a crazy person and I simply frown. Again. "I'm going to find Four."

"See you later! Tell Four about the-"

"Party. Yeah, I got it." And I leave.

I unlock the apartment door and busy myself in tidying up and cooking. For the simple reason that I need something to do while I wait for Tobias to get home from control room work.


He gets home close to five o'clock, I'm bored out of my mind on the sofa.

"Hiya." He smiles qt me and leans down and kisses me.

"Hi, Zeke is having a party later, Christina-"

"Yeah, I know. I'll cook tea and I'll leave you to Christina." I shake my head.

"No, I actually already cooked, it's warming up in the oven." I watch him nod and I yawn. We eat dinner in a comfortable silence, like back in Abnegation. The an eager knock on the door. Christina. I rise to get it.

"I'll get it." I take my seat again without hesitation and drink my water.

"Where is she! I need to get her ready! We've only got an hour!" She pushes past Tobias who looks blatantly annoyed. He pushes the door shut harshly as Christina runs to me.

"I'm going to nip out to the shops, I'll wait in her for you later." He says looking at me and me only. I nod. "I love yo-" He begans but Christina drags me into our room. She begins by routing through my drawers, finding a long black dress with a diamond belt. I have never warn it and only bought it for special occasions but I guess there's no escape from Christina...She pushes it into my arms and shpves ms in it the bathroom. I stiffly get changed and stare at the mirror. I'm still ugly. I walk out to Christina showing her biggest grin ever.

"Hair." She sits me down and pulls and yanks on my hair. When she's finshed, it's straight and down around my shoulders. "And...done!" I stare at the mirror. My mum was pretty, so why am I ugly. I hate myself. I fakely smile, slightly biting the inside of my cheek but not so much that she'll notice. I walk into the living room and Tobias rises from the sofa.

"Tris..." He says breathless. "You look..." He glances at Christina, out of shyness. He walks to me, grasping my hand and leans to my ear. "Beautiful." I blush so much my face looks like a tomato. We all leave including Christina.

We arrive at the party, we dance and dance until Zeke calls everyone but me, Tobias, Al, Christina, Shauna, Uriah, Will, Lynn and Marlene out. Everyone else scurries out and it leaves us, ready to play Candor or Dauntless.

OH MY LORD!!!! THE. INSURGENT. TEASER TRAILER IS OUT!! I'M SO EXCITED! Although I don't have a clue what part in the book that had a flying Abnegation home... :')

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