46 (Tobias and Tris)

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One week. Tobias has been getting even more excited than me, with the twins' constant kicking and false alarms. But they aren't  coming, they aren't due until next week.

"Tris, are you excited?" Christina asks me.

"Uhh, yeah I guess." I say to her as she holds her newborn. She's sat on the sofa with Luca. Will and Tobias are working so me and Chris decided to have a day together - with Luca.

"Hey, what's up?" She asks looking up from Luca.

"I'm nervous-"

"The pain isn't that bad."

"I have to do it twice, remember?" She frowns and so do I.

"It'll be worth it. Me and Will both got new tattoos." She says excitedly.

"Of what?"

"The date Luca was born."

"That's adorable." I say grinning.

"You and Four should. Wait, Tris?"


"Can you tell me something?"

"What?" I slump on top of the counter.

"What's Four's real name?" I open my mouth to speak but she does instead. "We've all known him long enough and only you know his name..."

"Chris, I've told you before, I can't tell you-"

"But why??" She whines. I pull a saddened frown. I don't want to remember Tobias's past.

"It's just..." How to put this... "He doesn't like to remember his past." I say biting the inside of my cheek subtly.

"Why? Was he a transfer? Dauntless born?"

"No Chris-"

"Please tell me." She is practically begging but I cannot tell her. It's too personal.

"Chris, I can't tell you-"

"Can't tell Christina what?" Tobias and Will ask at the same time as they come in.


"That something to do with Tris's brother." Christina saves for me but Tobias is going to know we're lying. He knows me well enough to know my lies. And Christina's.

"Right." Will says.

"Well, me and Chris we're thinking of going out actually, would you look after Luca for us?" I say.

"Sure." Will says but then he pauses. "Actually, Four, would you mind? I'm just going to nip to the shops  for some essentials." Will leaves and Christina hands Luca to Tobias. He stands with him uncomfortably. We both leave laughing.

"He looked so out of place," Christina says, nearly pissing herself with laughter.

"He'll get better when ours come." I say, my hands touching my stomach.

"Should we get some drinks? Coffee?" She asks, I nod.

"Dauntless cake?" I say excitedly.

"Yeah, girl! Let's go!" We walk as quick as we can to the cafeteria.

"This stuff is amazing!" I say, sipping a latte.

"So's this!" She shrieks as she shovels the Dauntless cake in her mouth. I shove my cake to my mouth hungrily. Damn this stuff is good.

We get back to Christina and Will's place, Tobias doesn't even notice us coming in. Turns out Will's essential shop turning a spree - shopping spree. Tobias is sat, on the sofa, Luca in his arms. He's bobbing him up and down gently and uses his  overly-large, skinny finger to caress Luca's face. Christina shushes me with her finger as I shut the door. Christina sneaks up behind Tobias and I follow. He's so engrossed by Luca he doesn't notice until Christina bursts the bubble.

"I didn't know Four had a soft side." She says, Tobias jumps and relaxes when he sees us.

"I'm not soft. I'm..." He trails off, not finding any words for describing himself. Me and Christina laugh and Tobias's face flushes with embarrassment.

It's not longer after that I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. Is it happening? Now? It's too early?!  Tobias looks at me, grabbing my wrists.

"Tris? What's wrong?" I can tell he's trying to hold back his emotions - of panic, his eyebrows furrow down to his eyes, bending slightly to look at me.

"I-I..." I start but don't finish. The pains disappears. I clear my face, showing my normal face again. "No, just kicking." I say grinning.

"Tris!" Christina squeals. "I so thought it was time." I smirk and grin at the same time.

"Come on Tris. We're going." Tobias says. He pulls me out of the apartment and we go home.

"You gave me a right panic attack." Tobias says grabbing my hand as we sit on our sofa.

"I know. Sorry..." He smiles and then kisses my forehead. "I love you." I say quietly.

"I love you, Tris." He kisses me and then pulls away, keeping close. I place my fingers out spread across his jaw. His hands on my stomach. We're in this together.

I had a big choice to make. I couldn't decide on one picture... But I had to so I choose this one:') Sorry for not updating in 5 days! :0 SORRY!!!

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