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Christina drags me off soon afterwards. My face is incredibly hot in embarrassment. I tie my hands together behind my back as Christina pulls me into a corner in the cafeteria.

"You got over your fear?" She asks not believing I have actually...

"Hmm...What's your fear, moths?" I laugh as she pulls a face with 'nope' plastered all over it. She bursts out:

"Yes but-"

"No, but's, we both have embarrassing fears bit because I do mine it's suddenly a crime-"

"Come on, Tris, give over, me and Will haven't even-"


"Well-" Uhh...

"Christina, you haven't told me-It's excuses...excuses." She laughs and I stay straight faced, undefeat.

"How was he?" She blurts out, I give her a 'Did-you-really-just-say-that?' look and she laughs. "Seriously."

"Uhh...G-go..." I can't admit I like having sex with him, right? I don't know.

"I bet he's good...does he go all sexy instructor  or just soft and cute?" I blush like crazy. I cast a glance over to Tobias, he's sat showing no emotion towards the conversation at all. I don't think I could live without seeing the other side of him. His soft, bubbly-

"Well?" I flick out of my thoughts.


"At once? How does that work-OH MY GOSH! You've done it more than once!" Christina stops and looks awkwardly behind me. I turn to see Tobias. He almost makes me jump, sneaking up on me like that-

"Done what more than once?" I blush and look at Christina.

"The...Uhh...Zip lining!" She says, she's done it. He's going to be very curious later...

"Okay...Well, I'm going to take Tris for a while." He pulls my hand and we walk off. I begin to imagine what is going through Tobias's mind, I stare at the back of his head as he pulls me behind him through a narrow hallway. He stops, turns me around, so my back is against the wall and he is in front of me. We block the whole hallway because it is so narrow. I'm surprised Tobias's fear of confinement hasn't risen up yet. I place my hand on his chest, his heart is beating wildly.

"Why's your heart beating so fast, Tobias?" I ask smirking.

"Because...I love you." He bursts out and then kisses me. I kiss back until his lips move down to my neck. I rise onto my tiptoes at his electrifying touch.

"Well...I love y-you too." I moan. He let's go off me and I start to think it's because of my moaning.

"Let's finish this later." He says, instructor mode. Damn.


Two whole hours. With. Christina. Shopping. And we're only in the third shop.

"Christina! Can I go home yet?"

"No! We've still got another...two shops!" I groan at her statement. She drags me along into the next store. We walk past many stacks of clothing. Black. Black. Black. And I don't mind. Christina throws clothes into my arms, a high cut t-shirt, a black pencil skirt, and 'most importantly' a tight black dress. I don't know why though. Oh, and a jacket - black jacket.

I get home, finally. I'm tired. Very tired. I drop my bags down and slump down next to Tobias on the sofa.

Whoo! I'm better now! BUT I've got a bloody cold now! AND when I get colds, I get the sore throat, blocked nose and watery eyes. Hmmpft. :') Mwahh!

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