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The whole group stare at me when I pull away from Tobias. Christina gives me a sympathetic look. Yeah. Sorry...

"Who wants to go zip lining?" Uriah yells, full of excitement.

"Well me, Tris and Shauna can't..." Christina states, Uriah frowns.

"Well that's no fun." He mutters 'to himself '. Tobias cluthes onto my hands, almost as a reminder that I can't do that.

"Well...Me and Tris are going shopping!" Christina rips me away from Tobias. When did I say that? Oh yeah, exactly. I didn't. Christina Lula me to her and Tobias frowns.

"Well, Zeke, why don't we go..." Tobias winked...What are they up to?

"Oh yeah! Will, you are coming to!" And they all run off before we have chance to shoot any questions at them. Shauna and Marlene stand closer together but Marlene next to Uriah.

"Well...I don't want to get trapped in all this 'girl time' so...I'm just gonna go." He flushes beetroot red and power walks off.

"Y'know, I think I'm gonna go see what Uriah's up to..." Marlene walks off, in the direction Uriah went. Well that's it. Me, Christina and Shauna.

We end up going baby clothes shopping - for Christina. It turned out that she's having a boy. She bought hundreds of bits and pieces of clothes. All cute but bold and daring too. I can't wait to find out whether my baby is a girl or a boy. Absent mindedly, I place my hands on my stomach. Christina catches me as we wait out the tills.

"Aww! Tris! That's adorable!" I blush.

We walk out of the shop and into the pit. I feel a large hand on my lower back, I turn to it. Tobias. I hug him as he wraps his arms around my lower back, I lean against him. Christina squeals in excitement.

"I've never seen Four like that! That's adorab-"

"Shut up." Tobias cuts her off, bluntly.

"Well I'm sorry-"

"Candor. Shut it." I thump Tobias playfully. He releases me, holding his hands in the air.

We get home, slightly tired but not so I tired that I want to sleep. Tobias shuts the apartment door and we share a kiss. His hands tour up my shirt, automatically turning me on. I shiver under his touch. He groans into my mouth when I remove his shirt, he pukka away shortly after.

"Tris...We can't-"

"Why not?" I ask, my face beginning to flush in embarrassment.

"The baby-"

"We'll go slow." I whisper before nibbling on his ears.

"Tris, are you sure?" He takes in a shaky breath.

"Yep." He kisses me, I lift my top off, showing my pretty much non-existent bump. He gently kisses my belly.

"You hang in there." He says to my belly. He kisses me passionately and I yank his pants off. He does the same to me. "Don't say anything, Tris. I don't want you to tempt me into  hurting the baby. Okay?"

"Okay. Now can we start?" I say impatiently. He shares a look with me and we begin. We go slow and slow right the way through.

I wake in the morning, still exhausted. Tobias appears to be awake too.

"I'm still tired." I complain, Tobias nods, understanding.

"Sleep." I smile. He's so caring. I sleep again, leaning against his bare chest.

I wake again for the second time today. Tobias is watching me sleep.

"Do you understand how creepy you look?" I ask. My eyebrows rise.

"No, I love you." He gives me a short and sweet kiss.

"I love you too." He caves his back in and kisses my stomach.

"I love this little baby already." I love him, my life and everything.

"Me too." I smile at my belly then Tobias. We kiss again. He's amazing. And I'm already loving this baby. I never thought I'd share any love woth anyone. Or even a family. But I love it. I thought that I'd live a life in a standard I could never live up to. Marrying Susan's brother, but not out of love. Simply because I need to find someone. But here, in Dauntless, I have Tobias and my baby. Robert moved to Amity anyway but I love Tobias and my baby and I am happy.

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