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Tobias's P.O.V

I don't even understand why. Every night without fail, Nic and Em will cry. Yes, I love them so very much but my sleep. I need my sleep. Although Tris needs it more, she gave birth just a few days ago and she's still catching up on the sleep.

I go into their room, shushing them. I go to Nic first, not out of favouritism but his cot is the closest. I pick him up and bob him up and down. He continues to whinge.

"Come on, Nic." I say, slightly frustrated. He continues, whinging turning into whails. On top of that, Em screaming. The screams travel. I keep bobbing him but it's not enough. I sigh and begin to hum. I hum a song my mom used to sing to me after Marcus gave me his whippings. It used to calm me down, so why not Nic and Em? Nic begins to settle, his whails turning into tiny whimpers. Whimpers. I used to whimper. I tense myself involuntary. I take in a deep breath and put Nic back in his cot. He's stopped crying so I go to Em. I don't pick her up, just gently stroke her cheek and continue humming to them both.

Once both of their crying stops, I sneak out of the room tiptoeing. I get out and gently shut the door to. I yawn, stretch and go back in to Tris. I slide into bed and wrap my cold arms around Tris. She shivers.

"Your freezing." She says into the darkness.

"Your warm." I say with a hint of laughter in my voice.

"I know," She smirks against the skin of my neck. I shiver and her smirk gets bigger.

Tris's P.O.V

I wake to Tobias getting out  of the bed. I grab his wrist stopping him. He sits back down.

"What, Tris?" Ooh, grumpy. His voice is low and instructor tone-like.

"Oh, nothing." I say, I release my grip and get out of bed myself, slipping on my dressing gown, considering it's cool in our apartment this morning. I follow Tobias into the kitchen, sitting on one of the bar stools. He grabs a bottle of watwr out of the fridge and slams the door shut after him. I smirk at his moodiness.

"What?" He says finally. His voice is frustrated, annoyed. "What? Why are you staring?" I laugh.

"And you claim your not grumpy." I state.

"Grumpy? Tris, I'm not grumpy. I'm tired." He says sternly. I chuckle. "Why are you laughing?" 

"It's amusing, that's all-"


"Yep." I say smirking. He pauses and then sits across from me on a bar stool. He studies my face for a while.

"Well," He gets up. "I have work." With that he gets up and goes to change. He slams the door, ultimately waking Nic and Em up. I cringe and wait for their cries. Sure enough, they come. I sigh. I'm left speechless, he's really on one this morning. I get up and go straight to their room. I pick Em up and bob her, I go to Nic's cot and pick him up too. I bob them both and take them into the living room. I struggle to reach the formula milk, can't exact breast feed whilst Tobias isn't around, I only have two arms. I grasp hold of the pot, clinging onto it with my fingers and set it on the counter. I pull off the lid and grab a spoon. I tip a teaspoon of formula into each bottle. I leave the lid off, considering I don't have enough hands to put it back on. I boil the warm water on a pan, on the stove and struggle trying to pour into the bottles. I moan in frustration. I gently tip the water in, spilling some of the water over the sides of the bottles. I don't bother to mop it up, I'll do it later. I tie the lids on the bottles and give up. They both whail in my arms.  I give up.

"Tobias!" I yell. There's no reply. "Tobias!" I yell again. He storms out the bathroom, his hair wet and his clothes slung on.

"What?!" He says loudly.

"I need you to help me, I don't have four hands to feed them both you know!" I reply. I'm totally feeling the stress lately, the kids whailing every single night and Tobias being grumps. He comes to me, takes Nic and a bottle. We feed them in silence, not talking whatsoever.

When Tobias finally is ready to leave, I can tell by the look on his face that he feels guitly. He grabs the door handle but the turns around.

"Tris?" He frowns. "Sorry." He let's go of the door and fully faces me. We put the kids in their cots before. Well, I did. "Look, I don't mean to be grumpy to you. It's just stress, you know, all of this is bringing back memories...You know, of..." He trails off.

"It's fine." I reply, smiling.

"You understand, right?" I nod and he presses his lips to mine. We release each other after a couple of seconds  and he panicks. "Better go, I'm late as it is." I chuckle and he goes. "Bye, Tris!" He shouts as he leaves the apartment. I grin and shut the door. Content. But then I hear them both screaming again. Again.

Oh! Been a long time, no update... :/ So, don't think I'm weird, I made myself an internet name. I highly suggest you do this, it's surprisingly fun:') So, Internet friends, Amanda Bluebeck here! :') I can't even-Hahahaha. Seriously. Do it. :') I'M NOT WEIRD! I SWEAR! ... Okay, over and out!

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