Old Home

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Your name's y/n. You typically keep to yourself and so you hardly have any friends. You only have one and her name is Penny. The two of you have been best friends since the cafeteria "incident".

The incident in question was when an older girl, named Wendy decided to take a small girl's lunch. You decided to step in. You threw your soup at the bully and she attempted to retaliate but you dodged and it hit the kid next to you which caused a food fight to break out all across the cafeteria. You grabbed the girl's hand and ran out of there before Wendy could follow you. And since that day she has been your loyal friend, Penny.

You don't know anything about your parents. And you've been in and out of the orphanage because people only take you in for the money. The money, however, is pocketed by those families and you are expected to survive on the leftovers from their dinners.

'They're all the same.'

You hate the orphanage but at least your best friend, Penny, is there with you and together you always have a good time.

You return to the orphanage.

'Home, sweet home. But not for long.'

Your eighteenth birthday is coming up. Which also means you'll have to leave and find a place of your own. But you've been working at "Quickie Chickie" for years now, so you'll be fine-- ish.

You've already set up an apartment and it should be ready within a week. So you should be good to go.

You open the door to the orphanage and Helene meets you there. Her heels clacking against the checkered tiles, as she approaches you angrily.

"Where have you been? It's already past eleven. Which is way past your curfew." Helene scolds. "I would've got here sooner but I had to walk." You explain.

"Well, then. Maybe you should have walked a lot faster. Besides, you know the rules. I'm sorry but I can't make an exception for you." You freeze. "What are you saying?" Helene shakes her head in a condescending manner. "I'm sorry but we're going to have to let you go. You're a big girl now, you'll manage."

You raise your voice. "It's because of my job isn't it?! You don't have to do this." Helene snaps at you. "Yes I do. It's against the policy and we can get in a lot of trouble for it. You are no longer our problem. So pack your bags so you can be ready to go in the morning."

Helene dismisses you and you head to your room, holding back unshed tears.

It doesn't take too long to pack your things. And so you lie in bed, contemplating your next move.

'I'll have to leave without Penny.'

You look over to your friend; her soft snoring the only audible sound in the room.

"I'm sorry." You whisper before grabbing your things and heading out.

'I wouldn't be able to handle saying goodbye. Plus, there's no use dragging her down with me.'

You leave the orphanage without looking back.

"Not Quite Determined" Sans x Human/Monster Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now