Troubling Trade Off

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You and the others have a meeting regarding a missing Stretch.


"Don't worry, we'll find him." You say as you get up.

"i have an idea of where he could be." Sans says. "but you won't like it."

"no, you don't mean-!" Lust gasps.

"yes, he's with fresh. probably forced him to hangout with him." Sans says with a chuckle.

"THIS IS SERIOUS!" Blue shrieks. Sans throws his hands up. "hey, calm down. besides, it was just a suggestion he could be anywhere."

"even with dust?" Red remarks. Everyone becomes silent. Blue breaks down into tears.

"Okay, then let's confront him then. Since he's usually spying on me anyway." You suggest.

"no, it's too dangerous." Sans warns but you are already walking out the front door.

You see a bush rustling. You have a feeling it's him and so you approach him.

"I know you're there so you might as well come out." You demand.

He steps out of the bushes and you have to hold in the urge to run away. His aura is cold like a killer.

You take a step back. He steps forward. "I ThOughT YoU WaNteD mE tO cOmE OuT?" He says with a blood curdling smile.

"I did- I do! It's just..." He steps forward. "YoU'rE AfrAiD oF mE, ArEn'T YoU?" He chuckles then full on cackles. "YoU ShOulD bE. I HaVe YoUr FrIenD. iF YoU wAnT HiM bAcK YoU HaVe tO tAkE HiS PlAcE."

You nod. "I understand. I know what I have to do."

"y/n, no!" Sans shouts out to you but it's too late. Dust shortcuts you away and you find yourself in a dimly lit basement.

One thing sticks out to you. You recognize your missing cage. It's here of all places and is currently occupied.

Stretch leans against the bars of the cage lazily. You wave at him and he waves back.

Dust handcuffs your wrists before opening the cage and letting Stretch out. He throws you in the cage before locking it and disappears with Stretch.

He comes back alone. Now it's just you and him.

He reaches into the cage to tease you but you bite his finger. He shouts before pulling his hand back.

"FuCk! i SeE YoU stIlL nEeD tImE tO aDjUsT." He says before walking back up the stairs from where he came. He turns the lights off and shuts the door, leaving you in complete darkness.

You don't know how long it's been when he finally returns but it's most likely been a couple of days.

You are tired, hungry, and in need of a bath.

Dust comes down the stairs to greet you and you snarl at him. He smiles back and plugs his nose holes. "YoU nEeD tO tAkE a bAtH." He says.

You glare at him. "Fuck you!" He just shakes his head as he opens the cage and you fall over. Legs numb from remaining in such a cramped space.

And he has the nerve to laugh!?

Fuck him!

He picks you up and carries you up the stairs into the bathroom.

He sits you on the ground as he fills up the tub.

You try to use your magic to break the shackles of the chain but you're too weak from exhaustion.

In an unknown place you could hardly get a wink of sleep. So right now you're an exhausted mess.

Once the tub is filled he uncuffs your wrists and gives you a washcloth to wash yourself with and leaves a set of clothes from your house.

He leaves the bathroom while you get undressed.

You strip down and step into the tub. The water is hot but you prefer it over the cold basement.

You wash yourself then relax into the water and fall asleep.

You wake up and find yourself back inside the cage, fully dressed. You are puzzled.

When did I get back here?

And my clothes- who put them on?!

Dust sits in a chair in front of the cage. He watches you panic.

He blushes. "I DrEsSeD YoU... iF tHat'S wHaT yOu'Re wOnDeRiNg..."

Your mouth hangs open and it's your turn to blush. Instead of hiding your face you stare at him defiantly.

"You better watch yourself." You threaten. "oH i'M sO sCaReD." He mocks. You glare at him. "Whatever."

You lie down in your cage and try to get some sleep. However, you can't because he's watching you.

"Don't you have something to do or something?" You say, raising an eyebrow.

"nOpE." He says. So you decide to just turn away and ignore him as you try to get some sleep.

You wake up from your much needed rest and find the cage open. You get out of the cage and stumble through the darkness.

You finally make it up the stairs and find the light switch. You try to open the door but it's locked.

You go back down the stairs and look for another way out.

There are no windows so you come up short and instead decide to find a way to pass some time.

You find a set of puzzles and you pick up the first one. It is a picture of a garden. You go about putting it together and are about halfway done when the door creaks open.

You run for the door but Dust blocks your path. You get in a fighting stance but you are still weak from being starved so it's more of a front. Dust sees pass this and steps around you and goes down the stairs to his chair and sits down.

You try to open the door but it's locked from the outside.

"How did you do that?" You ask, motioning towards the door. "MaGiC." Is all he says. You grumble underneath your breath. "Figures you wouldn't tell me." But he hears you and chuckles.

He gets up from his chair and notices a puzzle set is missing. He sees it on the floor and grins a toothy grin. "aH, I SeE yOu'Ve bEeN bUsY." You nod. "Not a lot to do around here is there?" You shoot back. He says nothing.

He pulls out a bag. "i GoT YoU sOmE GrIllBy's." He hands you the bag. You notice it's still warm. Inside is a burger and fries.

You hand it back to him, refusing to eat it. You don't trust him.

"It'S nOt pOiSoNeD." He eats a fry. "sEe." He also takes a bite out of the burger. Once he's made his point he hands it back to you.

You take a bite then another until the burger's completely gone. You move on to the fries and make quick work of them, all but stuffing your mouth. Dust chuckles. "dO yOu wAnT mOrE?"

"Nah, I'm good." You say as you sprint towards the door. You manage to kick it open and you run past the different rooms until you make it to the front door. Dust blocks your path. So you bust one of the windows with your elbow and jump out.

The glass cuts into you but you keep running until you realize you don't recognize where you are.

You panic. Especially when you see Dust gaining on you. You see a passing taxi and wave for them to stop. They stop the car and you get in. You give them your address and tell them to floor it.

They shrug their shoulders and just go along with it, not asking any questions.

Dust stands by the road not following you.

Then you remember he knows where you live.

"Not Quite Determined" Sans x Human/Monster Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now