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You wake up to Sans holding you tightly. You shake him awake and he opens his sockets to see you and that only makes him tighten his hold on you.

"y/n! i was so worried about you. i thought you were..." He doesn't say it but you know what he meant.

"So where's the baby?" You ask as you notice your belly is no longer enlarged.

"lust is watching them." You look up at him, puzzled. "Them?" He nods. "you had twins. One of them is lust's child and the other is ours."

"How is this even possible?" You ask. "it's a rare case of heteropaternal superfecundation. at least that's what the nurse told me." Sans says.

"I want to see them." Sans nods. "i'll get the nurse." He leaves the room and comes back with Lust and the nurse.

She hands the baby off to you and Lust holds the other one. The one in your hand is an adorable baby boy. He looks like you, save for his lack of eyes. His eye sockets are white pin pricks like Sans. You kiss him on the forehead and he coos at you. You smile at him and hold his little hands in yours. After awhile you hand him over to Sans so you can see your other child.

Lust hands you the child. It's an adorable baby girl. She looks like you, save for the eyes and hair. Her eyes match that of Lust and her hair is pink like bubble gum. She snuggles into you and smiles up at you. "Mama." You freeze.

"Is she supposed to talk this soon?!" You ask Lust and he nods. "Monsters develop faster than humans and live longer." You tilt your head. "What about hybrids?" You ask in concern. "hybrids will live just as long as monsters do." Sans answers. "so don't worry, you'll be able to see the kids learn and grow." You sigh in relief.

Everyone takes turns visiting you in the hospital and pretty soon it's the day of your departure.

Burgerpants picks you, Sans, and Lust up from the hospital. Mettaton is in the backseat of the limo and you slide into the seat next to him.

Mettaton talks to you about future plans for your big debut. This concert you will perform on your own. Mettaton already created the instrumentals. However, for now you are just going to spend time with your family.

When you get in the house the babies are woken from their naps and start crying. You sing to them a lullaby as Sans and Lust rock them to sleep.

*The End.

"Not Quite Determined" Sans x Human/Monster Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now