Hotel TREEvago

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You and Mettaton are ready for your big performance. You will be performing together in New York for the opening of his new hotel, "MTT Resort Plus".

Right now you are currently riding in Mettaton's jet with Sans, Lust, and Axe; along with Undyne and Alphys.

Sans sits beside you and Lust and Axe sit behind you. Undyne and Alphys sit in the two seats across from you and Mettaton sits in the front with Papyrus.

Mettaton hired a pilot to fly the plane. She looks kind of familiar.

Her hair is brown at first glance but upon closer inspection you see grey at the edges. She smiles at you as her fine lines and wrinkles set in.

But her face begins to shift, becoming more youthful in appearance. Until you finally recognize her.

"It's Penny!" You start to panic. Your magic is still rigid. But you are able to form a weak translucent shield. "Stay back, everyone!"

Sans moves to your side. "you're not facing her alone."

Penny's eyes flash red. "Give me your soul!" She lunges at you and let's out a blood curdling shriek.

"With your soul and mine combined we can be together forever!" Penny smiles. "And you can never leave me again!"

She knocks you back with the back of her hand and you hit the side of the plane. Undyne comes to your side and sends spears Penny's way. Penny dodges them by side stepping them and runs at you.

You get up but she tackles you back into the ground. She pulls out a knife and attempts to stab you but you grab her hand to stop her.

The two of you fight for the knife. You are able to wrench the knife out of her hands and end up plunging it deep into her chest.

You cry out at your mistake. "Penny!" She smiles at you. "I'm sorry, Y/n. But please take my soul. Absorb it so we can always be together."

"No. You can't give her MY SOUL. It BELONGS to ME." Chara says as she begins to take control.

"You have to take my soul! Do it before she does!" Penny warns.

And so you place your arm above Penny's chest and call out her soul. A purple soul floats up and you snatch it before Chara takes back control and you push the soul within your own chest where your own soul resides.

"You did it!" Says a familiar voice in your head. "Penny are you in my head?"

"Yeah, I am. Our souls are now one."

"Does this mean you can hear all my thoughts?"

"Yes. But It's not like anyone else can hear. Just you and me."

"Fuck! What have I done?!"

Sans looks at you in concern. "you okay?"

"yeah, i'm fine."

"This is just Great! I have to share my mind with her."

"Hey! I can hear you, you know."

"Yeah, I know. You just tried to kill me! So excuse me if I'm being a bit rude!"

"You're still stuck on that?" Penny laughs. "You might as well move past that. Besides you should have a little more respect for the dead."

You roll your eyes. "Yeah, whatever."

Sans looks over at you. "yeah, what is it?"

"Wasn't talking to you." You say, realizing you accidentally said your thought aloud. However, you decide to confide in him.

"I was talking to Penny." You say. "We can communicate because we share a soul now." Sans nods his head. "yeah, that makes sense."

The rest of the ride goes by in a blur and pretty soon, before you know it, you're picking up your baggage from the airport.

Your suitcase has wheels so you just roll it behind you, while Mettaton payed to have his luggage lugged around by some monsters ahead of time.

Sans, Axe, and Lust didn't pack much, save for the essentials and Undyne and Alphys managed to fill up two big suitcases.

You brought changes of clothes and other essentials along.

You head to the hotel you all will be staying in. It's called "Enriching".

It's a three story building. It's outer walls are made of brown bricks and red ribbons happen to adorn the walls.

You and the gang step through the front doors.

Inside, the tiles are made of black and white marble and the walls are shaded pink.

You are met by a friendly face. A woman with a curly, black afro smiles at you from her place behind the front counter.

"Hi, my name is Dana. Have a nice stay." She says as she hands you the keys to your rooms. You take one and hand the rest out to everyone one else.

You all head to your rooms. You share a room with Sans, Axe, and Lust because they all wanted to stay in the same room as you.

Once in your room they all turn to you. A blush forms on their faces.

It's just you and them.

The look on their faces are of pure desire. Right now, they are hungry and only want one thing and that is you.

You take a step back and find that you've backed yourself into the room.

Lust approaches you from the left while Sans approaches from the right. Axe steps directly in front of you.

"dO yOu wAnt tO hAve sEx?" Axe says forthright. You blush and look at the ground. "Yes." You say in a low voice.

"what did you say? speak up." Lust says as he tilts your head up to meet his sockets. His white orbs focus on you.

"I said, yes!" You shout. Your whole face glows a (light/dark) shade of orange.

And with that Axe pushes you down on the bed. You sit up as Lust unbuttons your pants and slides them down while Sans works at getting your shirt off.

Once your shirt is off Sans takes your breasts in his hand and lightly squeezes them.

You yelp at how tender they already are within his grasp.

He snickers at this and you glare at him but your attention shifts as you notice your panties being slipped off. Axe twirls them around with his index phalange.

He bends you over and enters you from behind while Lust lays down so he can suck on your clit. He twirls his tongue around, eliciting a moan out of you as your breathing becomes more rushed.

Sans, meanwhile, has moved on to sucking and nipping at your nipples.

Lust continues to lick your clit at a set rhythm and you start to clench the hotel's bed sheets.

Suddenly Lust stops and repositions himself as he pulls out his cock. You moan as enters your folds and brushes across your clit.

Axe and Lust thrust into you and you are rocked back and forth between the two.

Axe holds your ass in the palm of his hands as he thrusts inside of you. His thrusts starts to quicken before he finally releases and cums inside of you.

Sans takes his place and grinds you from behind. At this point, you're panting from the physical exchange. Body overstimulated from their thrusts.

Axe sucks at a sensitive place on your neck and you begin to feel a knot form in your abdomen. "I'm close." You say in warning but they ignore it and continue pounding into you and making you squirm.

You cum hard and Lust and Sans cum with you. You are a panting mess and you lie face down on the bed, tired from your little workout.

"Ooh! Get it girl!" Penny says in encouragement. "I see you."

"Don't I get any privacy?"

"No, silly. We're practically sisters. I know everything." Penny answers.

Your mind calms as you drift off to sleep.

"Not Quite Determined" Sans x Human/Monster Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now