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You wake up a fevered mess.

You toss and turn but can't get back to sleep and so you roll out of bed and head to the kitchen for a cup of water.

As you're drinking your water you notice two things: Sans. The other thing being your body's response to seeing him. You suddenly felt very hot and bothered.

You sit down on the couch and cross your legs, hoping the feeling will go away.

It doesn't.

"what's wrong?" Sans asks.

"Nothing." You say, face flushed. You sit your cup on the table.

Sans looks at you, puzzled, before realization seems to dawn on him.

He shortcuts you to your room and locks the door from the outside.

'What the heck man!

sans pov:

"she's in heat! but how? it must be because of her monster half?" I wonder to myself.

"either way, someone's got to take care of her while she's in this condition. i guess i can always come back for her..."

Y/n Pov:

Red enters your bedroom. "hey. i just wanted to tell you my brother's sorry about yesterday and-"

You bound towards him and pin him to the ground. "Kiss me." You demand. He more than happily obliges.

"whatever you say, sweet cheeks." And with that he sticks his tongue into your open mouth and you begin to fight for dominance.

You give into the pleasure and let him win.

"Red, please... Fuck me." You beg. He chuckles. "wow, you're pretty desperate, huh?"

"Please..." You whine.

"alright, alright. just give me a second." And with that he takes off his shorts as you begin taking off your clothes.

You finish getting your leg out of your pants and fall on the bed panting.

You're already a hot mess.

"Red..." You moan his name between labored breathes.

"you're acting like a monster in heat."

You blush. "Is it-"

"yeah, it's exactly what it sounds like." He says as he lowers himself onto you.

Your face is practically glowing.

"Hurry up and put it in already!" You rush him. He stops in his tracks before placing his member in slowly.

He begins to thrust at an unbearably slow pace. You rock your hips against his but he uses his gravity magic to weigh you down.

You try to move but you won't budge.

As his magic surrounds you you start to feel your arousal only grow as your patience wanes.

Red grabs your left tit and gives it a squeeze as he sucks on the right one.

You squirm under his gaze. He smiles at you mischeviously before biting down on your left tit.

"Red... mmph."

Your scent wafts through the air as you cum. A vanilla aroma seems to take over the room's usual smell.

"ah, so vanilla's your scent." He turns his attention back to your body, eyeing it up and down. "damn, you're so hot." He squeezes your tit again before positioning himself behind you.

Red enters you from behind. He thrusts into you. Each thrust making your titties bounce everywhere.

You whimper his name as he gets rougher and sloppier.

The sound of your bodies slapping together takes over the room.

He's getting close and so are you.

He releases in you and you cum soon after.

He lies on the bed tired, but you still want to play. So you pleasure yourself at the corner of the bed. You sigh in pleasure as you cum again.

Red is now sleep, clearly exhausted.

You realize Red left the door open and head outside your room to look for Sans.

He's right outside the door, cheeks flushed.

"You wanna play?" You ask, smiling mischeviously. He backs away and falls on his bony ass.

You throw your legs over him and dry hump his lap. He lets out a low moan.
You continue your thrusts until you cum again.

You pull him into your room and kiss him feverishly. You press him against the bed and tug his shorts down.

Red wakes up and as realization sets in he smirks as he watches the two of you make out.

But right now you don't care.

You take San's cock in your hands and plunge it inside your wet pussy.

He flips you so that you're the one facing the bed and he enters you from behind. You cling on to the sheets as he thrusts into you over and over again. You whimper as you cum.

He keeps going until you can't take it anymore and pass out from the intensity.

You sleep well that night.

"Not Quite Determined" Sans x Human/Monster Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now