Ok Karen.

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You have just finished practicing with Mettaton when Papyrus runs into the room looking worried.

"I WAS WORRIED ABOUT THE TWO OF YOU BUT I'M GLAD TOO SEE I WAS WRONG. HERE LOOK." Papyrus takes out his phone and shows you a comment thread that says the following:

CodaSoda: "Y/n sucks. She's just a one hit wonder."

RoxieRox: "Yeah, and have you heard the rumors about her and Mettaton?"

CodaSoda: Eww!

RoxieRox: I know! She doesn't deserve him and I won't let her have him!

CodaSoda: Neither will I and I have a plan.

Riri'sBestGirl: Then spill.

CodaSoda: Ok here's my slapchat. We can talk more there.

You blink. Once, then twice. "What has my life come to?"

"It's the price we pay for fame." Mettaton answers bluntly. "You'll just have to get used to it."

"BUT THEY PLAN TO HURT Y/N SOMEHOW." Papyrus says out of concern for you.

"Well there's no use worrying about it. If they do something we will face it then." Mettaton says.

"He has a point."

You nod in agreement. Papyrus seems to agree as well because he doesn't protest. Instead he looks to the ground, deep in thought.

"You alright, darling~?" Mettaton asks Papyrus. Papyrus shakes his head. "NO I'M NOT. I'M STILL WORRIED. WE SHOULDN'T TAKE THIS LIGHTLY. AT LEAST THAT'S WHAT UNDYNE WOULD SAY."

"I understand that, Pappy, but the best we can do for now is keep an eye out." Mettaton reasons. Papyrus nods his head. "AND THAT'S WHAT I PLAN TO DO. I WANT TO PROTECT THE BOTH OF YOU, FOR I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS! NYEH HEH HEH!"

You smile and hug him in appreciation. He hugs you back hard and brings Mettaton into the hug. After a while Papyrus lets the two of you go.

Mettaton drives the two of you home and you head to your room and Sans is there waiting for you.

He sits on your bed, messing with his jacket's zipper. He looks up and sees you smiling. A blue blush spreads across his face.

"i missed you." He says meeting your eyes. You smile. "I missed you too." You say as you kiss him on the cheek, then on his teeth. He nuzzles his head into your shoulder.

You both make your way over to your bed and sit down.

"tori has a beach trip planned and she wants to know if you'd wanna come." He says to you.

"Of course, I'll come." You say.

"that's what she said~" Lust adds.

"Really?" You say as you muffle a snicker. "Not funny. Not funny at all!"

"your smile says otherwise." He says.

"Shut up! Anyways, back to what you were saying." You say as you turn your attention back to Sans. "I plan on going, so when is the trip?"

"two days from now." He answers.

You smile. "I can't wait."

"what trip?" Lust asks as he looks on in confusion.

"It's a beach trip." You answer. "ooh, sounds fun~ can i come?" You nod. "It shouldn't be a problem." But Sans shakes his head. "there's not enough room in tori's van."

"oh." Lust says in disappointment. You shake your head at Sans. "Then we can ride with Mettaton. There. Problem solved." Sans huffs. "well. it was worth a shot." Lust glares and sticks his tongue out at Sans.

You leave your room in search of the others. You had promised Blue you would hang out with him and his brother. So you head to Stretch's room.

His room is littered with clothes and the smell of honey wafts through the air.

Stretch is chilling on his bed, that is currently unmade. He greets you when he sees you enter.

"Blue's not in here?" You ask.

"nah, he doesn't like it when i smoke." He says as he dashes his cigarette out in the ashtray.

"Well then, get up." You say as you start to drag him out of bed. He looks at you in disbelief before falling to the floor with a flop.

"Get up." You say.

"no. i'm good." Stretch replies.

So you drag him across the room to the door and you find yourself out of breath.

Stretch finally gets up and dusts himself off and when Blue arrives he acts as if you haven't just dragged his tall ass to the door.


Stretch looks to Blue. "so where are we going first?"


Stretch interrupts Blue. "the last thing you need is sweets." Stretch nags. But when Blue gives him the puppy dog eyes he concedes.

"Alright. So where are we going to get the scooters?" You ask Blue.

"ALREADY COVERED." He runs off and comes back with three battery generated scooters.

"Let's race to the park." You suggest. As you say this Blue hops on a scooter and jets off. "Hey!" Blue turns around and sticks his tongue out at you before calling out, "SEE YOU AT THE FINISH LINE!"

You hurry up and grab a scooter. You never rode one before but since it's electric it is very simple and easy to get the hang of.

You catch up to Blue but leave Stretch behind. You chance another look behind you but Stretch takes the chance to get in front of you.

There is a narrow path leading into the park and Stretch blocks your path. He slows down until he's at a walking pace. Neither you nor Blue can go around him.

Following close behind, you and Blue reach the park after Stretch. You park your scooters and decide to relax on the bench for awhile.

Once rested up, you and Blue race some more while Stretch sits and smokes a cigarette on the bench.

The racing tires you out and so you sit and rest on the bench with Stretch.

Blue continues to ride around in circles, momentarily dipping from your line of sight.

"so what's the deal with your soul? you some type of hybrid or something?" You nod. "Yeah, you haven't met my o'pa? Apparently they are known as River Person."

Stretch nods. "yeah, i know who they are."

As curious as you are you don't ask him to elaborate because you can tell it upset him. So you decide not to push it.

The two of you hear a commotion and turn around to find Blue in a tough situation.

A blonde, middle aged women is yelling at him while a short brunette tugs her arm and tries to lead her away.

You and Stretch hop on your scooters and head on over.

"What happened?" You ask. The women scrunches her nose at you. "Does this monster belong to you?" You shake your head. "No, he's his own person but I am his friend."

The women sneers while the girl looks at you apologetically. "So you're a monster lover? Gross." You inhale sharply. "Look woman, just tell me what the problem is."

She points at Blue. "He ran over my foot!" You do your best to hide your smile. "Well, mam. Does it hurt?" Stretch snickers at your remark. "Yes, as a matter of fact it does."

"Good." You say before speeding off on your scooter. Stretch and Blue follow close behind.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT!" Blue says in shock. Stretch laughs. "you know she had it coming." You smile. "Right?"

The three of you make your way to Muffet's.

"Not Quite Determined" Sans x Human/Monster Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now