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sans' pov:

i'm worried about y/n. it's been two days and she still hasn't woken up since the seal was broken. once the seal was broken she passed out and i carried her over to another part of alph's lab.

y/n's magic gives off a really strong aura, which makes me wonder about her parents. one of them was a monster which can only mean one thing, during the war they somehow managed to stay on the surface. no, that doesn't make any sense! How could a monster possibly survive on the surface alone? unless...

As Sans is lost in his thoughts you start to stir awake.

Y/N'S POV (Normal POV):

You wake up but everything feels off...

"Where am I?!" You say as your panic starts to rise. Sans notices you're awake and puts a hand on your shoulder in a gesture to calm you down, but you lose your shit.

You feel... different and you don't know how that makes you feel. "What the hell happened, what did you do to me?!"

You start to lose control of your breathing which causes your magic to spiral out of control. Sans teleports out and comes back with Alphys, whom is carrying some gadget. She fires it, aiming for your soul. You close your eyes waiting for the pain to come but it never does. Your magic has calmed down. "What the hell, Alphys?!"

"I-i had to use the Nullifyer to n-nullify your magic. Y-your s-soul was experiencing s-shock and you were b-becoming a danger to y-yourself and everyone around you..."

The realization sets in as you turn and face Sans. "I almost attacked you..."

"it's fine, you didn't mean to..." Sans says with a lazy grin.

"You wouldn't be saying that if I did, would you? The dead can't talk Sans!" You raise your voice out of irritation.

"relax, i wouldn't have let that happen..."
Sans says to reassure you.

You open your mouth to argue more but Alphys cuts in. "I-it's obvious y-your magic is out of c-control. So you n-need to learn how to g-gain control over it and n-not let it control you!"

You nod your head in agreement. "Alright, so who can teach me?"

"i think tori would be the best teacher..." Sans eyelids narrow mischievously before adding: "she might even give you a tu-toriel."

You roll your eyes at the pun. "That's just wrong..."

"what is?" Sans says with a hint of guilt in his voice.

"That's Toriel's joke! She used it when I first met her, ya numb skull!" You chide him.

Alphys cuts in. "Here, y-you should take this..." Alphys says as she hands you a pile of sweets. "T-these are healing items, and you n-never know when you're gonna need it."

You thank Alphys and tell her goodbye before Sans teleports you back home.

Your new apartment is ready and so Undyne and Papyrus help you move in. Even Sans pitches in by using his magic to carry a few things.

~~~A Few Months Later~~~

You return home from Sans and Papyrus's place to find things amiss.

"Not Quite Determined" Sans x Human/Monster Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now