
415 10 3

Warning: This Chapter contains Smut. This chapter can be skipped.

You and Lust stand outside your house. You hesitate to open the door.

It would just be me and him. Alone... I don't know about this.

Lust sees your hesitation. "y'know nothing has to happen if you don't want it to." He says, resting his hand on your shoulder in reassurance.

Heat rises to your face. "But what if I want it to?" You say as you look away.

Lust rests his hand on your chin and tilts it up to meet his gaze. "but are you sure about this?"

"Y- yeah, I am." You answer.

Lust lets you go so you can open the door. You both enter the house and you lock the door behind you and head to your room and Lust follows you in before closing the door.

You sit at the edge of your bed, not really knowing what to do. "Do I just-?"

Lust pushes you down on the bed and hovers over you. He slides the tip of his tongue across your neck and then bites down, eliciting a moan out of you.

He slides your shirt off and unclasps your bra with ease and tosses it to the floor.

Lust starts massaging your breasts until your nipples become hard and he starts to suck on them.

"L-Lust!" you gasp as you struggle to get the words out. Lust stops and gets off the bed.

"What's wrong?" You ask nervously.

"i don't think you're ready..." Lust says to you.

"So, that's it then?" You say, dejectedly.

"nah, just want to try something else." Lust says in thought.

Lust lowers himself to the floor and repositions himself in front of you before unbuttoning your pants. You stand so you can slip out of them and then sit back down at the edge of the bed once they are off.

Lust slowly parts your legs. You clamp them together again.

You start to tremble as your nerves get the better of you.

Lust looks up to you. "it's alright, i'll take things slow."

You reopen your legs and he takes that as an incentive to go ahead. Lust slides your panties off you and they fall to the ground, along with the rest of your clothing. You shiver at its loss, as your body's now completely exposed.

"ah, how cute~" Lust says to himself but you hear him and blush.

"Hey, what do you mean I'm cu-" Lust thrusts a 'finger licking' bone in your pussy which causes you to gasp in surprise.

"hmmm... you're already wet? i wonder how you taste." Lust removes his phalange from your womanhood and replaces it with his tongue.

His tongue circles your clit. You clench the sheets of your bed as you try to keep your bearings.

Lust starts to thrust his tongue in you repeatedly and starts massaging your clit with his tongue.

You feel a tight pressure build in your lower abdomen and your vaginal walls clench, begging for release.

"L-Lust~ I'm-!" As he starts to pick up speed you cut yourself off as you let out a moan.

Your muscles clinch one last time and finally relax as you succumb to your orgasm and cum.

Lust slurps it up with his tongue, while your clit is still sensitive which brings about another orgasm and you cum some more. He is relentless and causes you to cum some more until you finally beg him to stop. He listens to you and he gets up from his place on the floor.

"sorry, i didn't mean to push you." Lust apologizes.

"No, it's fine." You say, looking away as you blush.

"uh-uh-uh. don't try to play innocent after all that~." Lust says as he narrows his eyes at you playfully and waves his index phalange in a playful manner. It's still drenched with your cum and he licks it off with his purple appendage.

You shudder.

"Well, that's fair..." You say as you look away. You yawn. "Well, I'm going to bed. Will you stay?" You ask as you pat the space beside you on your bed.

Lust climbs in and wraps his arms around you to snuggle.

You both drift off to sleep, together in each others arms.

"Not Quite Determined" Sans x Human/Monster Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now