Hot Diggity Dog

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'My boss has sent me out to sell chicken to passerbys at the park.

Business is doing pretty well so far. Looks like I have nothing to worry about.'

"...And it's cheap and affordable. So you should come eat at "Quickie Chickie". Fun for the whole family." You manage to get through your lines with a forced smile. Your smile only falters slightly, but no one seems to notice. Instead their attention has shifted to a skeleton approaching with a cart of his own. He sets up shop right beside you.

'Are you kidding me?!'

He sets up a hotdog stand. People grow bored of your chicken and head over to his stand to buy his hotdogs.

You cross your arms and glare at him.

He sends you a lazy wink. You become flustered. His smile only grows wider.

'He's openly mocking me. Alright. fine. This means war!'

You march over to him.

"sup, what can i help you with?" He says as he gives you a once over. You grit your teeth. "You should leave. I was here first." You say hotly. The skeleton smiles. "wow. it sounds like you're intimidated by me. what are you... chicken?" You fix him with a deadpan expression. "You're literally wearing fluffy, pink, slippers right now." He lowers his eyelids and tilts his head in thought. "well since neither of us plan on leaving i guess that means we're sharing."

"Nah, this was just for the day. I have to return to my regular shift tomorrow." You say.

"cool." He says as he studies you. You take the time to study him as well. He's a skeleton monster and so he has eye sockets for eyes but somehow he's capable of conveying emotions with his eyes alone. When he lowers his eyelids he seems to be mocking you.

You break eye contact with him and head back to your stand.

"the name's sans, by the way. sans the skeleton." He calls out to you. You stop in your tracks. "And I'm Y/n." You return to your stand.

You close up shop and leave to return the empty cart to your job. It's not too far so you're back within five minutes.

You gather your things for the night and lay down on the closest park bench. You've been using it for the past couple of days.

You zip up your jacket and use your bag of clothes as a pillow. You shiver as the wind picks up.

"hey, you're not actually gonna sleep out here, are you?" Sans asks in concern.

Wait? He's still here?!

"Yeah, but I'm fine. I've been sleeping here for the past week, so I'm used to it." Sans scratches the side of his skull.

"look, if you need somewhere to crash..." You interrupt him. "Nope. I'm good. My apartment should be ready by tomorrow." Sans shakes his head.

"yeah, but tonight is going to be under thirty degrees, so..." You hang your head in despair. "Oh." Sans shrugs. "look it's up to you..." You decide to take him up on his offer. "Thanks. That's really nice of you." Sans smiles. "great. you can meet my brother, papyrus. he's the coolest."

The two of you leave the park and head to his place.

"Not Quite Determined" Sans x Human/Monster Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now