
213 12 1

Warning: This is a very mature chapter.

You return home and find the tv and lights off.

I guess Gaster never returned home.

You shrug your shoulders.

Whatever. I'm going to bed.

You walk to your room.

Huh? That's weird , my door's shut. I thought I left it open when I left? Meh! I probably just don't remember.

You open the door. "What the fuck!"

Gaster is bent over another monster who lies tangled in your sheets. You realize it's Muffet, from the bakery. Gaster is actively pounding her.

"Why are you doing this?!" You say as you feel your cheeks darken. "And here of all places!"

They both ignore you as they finish on your sheets.

"You don't know how much I missed this..." Gaster says.

"I missed you too, deary~! The way you touch me."

"Who says I'm done?" Gaster says as he bites down on her neck. She lets out a moan.

Someone kill me now...

You back out of the room.

"I'll just.. give you guys a minute." You say closing the door.

You decide that you don't want to stay here at the moment, knowing someone is having sex in your room right now.

I'm so gonna kill him later!

You take a step outside. It's a little after nine and so it's not a good time to be out here. But I'm sure as hell not going back in there.

It feels like someone's watching me...

You see a hooded figure with a flicker of red and purple glowing in the place their eyes should be.

You take a step back. No way in hell I'm going near them. They could be a murderer for all I know!

You decide to call Mettaton. You lower your voice so the creep doesn't hear. "Hey, can you come pick me up? I don't feel safe right now."

The figure stares you down. Which sends a shiver down your spine.

He's murdered others before, I can tell by his aura. Am I next?

Just as he takes a step forward. You see a car pulling up in the parking lot. The hooded figure disappears, but not before waving a quick goodbye.

It turns out to be Mettaton's black and pink Limousine. As soon as the driver rolls to a stop in front of you, you open the door and get in. You decide to sit beside Mettaton in the very back.

"What happened?! Are you alright?" Mettaton says worriedly.

"I'm fine now. But I think I have a stalker."

"Unfortunately, that can come with the fame. I think you should just move somewhere else. You're not attached to this place, are you?" Mettaton says out of consideration.

"No, I'm not... I guess I can use some of the award money to get a new place then. I also won't have to worry about walking in on-" you cut yourself off realizing what you almost told Mettaton.

"Wait, is someone staying with you? I want to hear all the juicy details~!"

"No, it's not like that!" You say quickly. "You've seen the recent news, right? Well that's the monster staying with me right now. I returned home to find him in my bed with another monster. They didn't even stop and now I'm scarred for life!"

"Not Quite Determined" Sans x Human/Monster Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now