Soul Searchin'

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"we're going to alph's lab down at the university. so you should get ready."

"Alright, you wait in here." You run off to your room and dig in to your bag until you find something decent and you put it on in the bathroom.

You return to Sans' room. He walks over to you and wraps his arms around you.

"What are you doing?" You say, not expecting him to hug you.

"hold on tight and close your eyes." You do as he says but can't help but open your eyes out of curiosity. You see a figure in the distance, shrouded by complete darkness. He waves at you but before you can react you are brought out of the world of darkness.

"What the fuck was that!" You say out of sheer shock.

"so i take it you looked?" He asks you knowingly.

"Yeah I did, sorry..." You say guiltily."

"yeah, i only told you that because the darkness you saw is known as the void and it can suck you in. next time try not to look around, that place exists without the concept of time and space. it's how i get from place to place."

As he says this, you start to notice your current surroundings. You are in a room with yellow walls and blue tiled flooring. There are counters and table tops lined with lab equipment.

Sans walks into another room and comes back with Alphys.

"H-hi! I just need to run a few tests on your soul. S-sans has told me that h-he's not able to get a r-read on it l-like with any other h-human."

"Alright. So what do I do?" You ask.

"Y-you can sit a-anywhere we just need to do a quick s-soul scan."

You decide to sit in a nearby armchair. Alphys leaves the room and comes back with some kind of scanner.

"O-okay, you j-just have to s-stay still as I s-scan it." You do as she says. She pushes a button on the scanner and it emits an orange light. She scans you from head to toe. She hits another button and the scanner shuts off and the printer starts printing paper.

Alphys walks over and retrieves the papers from the printer and starts reading over them. "Oh my gosh! Wait, h-how is that even possible!" Sans rushes over to see as well. "your guess is as good as mine."

You are kind of peeved they are just muttering amongst themselves and so you approach them. "Guys, care to explain?"

"quick question? do you know anything about your parents?"

"No, I've never met them, I'm an orphan." You answer back. "But for all I know they could still be alive."

"W-well we have r-reason to b-believe that one of your p-parents was a m-monster because your main soul trait is Bravery but it only makes up half of your soul."

"So I'm some kind of hybrid?" You ask.

"Y-yes, but we s-should have s-still felt your magic. But it's p-possible your human half was just b-blocking it. E-either that or y-your m-magic has been sealed. We'd have t-to run more t-tests to be sure, is that alright with you?"

"Yes, I need answers. All this time I thought they abandoned me b-but t-they could be dead. I was so angry!"

You start to break down. You try not to cry, but the tears escape you. You curl up on the floor thinking about the family you never had.

Sans looks to Alphys who looks unsure of what to do herself before sitting down on the floor beside you. "y/n, it's okay to cry. to have your family taken away from you like that, it must hurt. so if you need a shoulder to cry on, i'll always be here."

"Not Quite Determined" Sans x Human/Monster Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now