Chapter 2

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She practicly drags me to her club and opens the door to revial three cute girls!

The only girl I recognize is Monika, the most popular kid in school.

She's beautiful, yet obviously out of my leage.

"Oh hi Y/n! It has been a long time sence I've seen you!"

The only time we've seen each other was last year because we had a class together, yet we didn't talk much.

"Oh come on Sayori!! Why'd you have to bring a boy??," said a cute pink haired girl.

She kinda looks like Sayori with her pink hair, but shorter.

"Because he's my best friend and he said he wanted to!"

"You dragged me here," I said under my breath.

"Ehh we can spare the details," Sayori said then pushed me inside the club room.

"Alright now introduce yourselves because Y/n probably doesn't know all of you," Sayori said.

"I'm Natsuki" She put her hands on her hips then looked away.

"Stop looking at me!"

"Okay okay," I said and put my hands up.

"I-I'm Y-Yuri..." The shy purple haired girl put her book down and introduced herself.

"Now that that's done lets eat these cupcakes!," Sayori said as she picked them up to bring them closer.

Natsuki sighed, annoyed that she couldn't carry her cupcakes and lifted up the foil to show a dozen of cat cupcakes.

"Wow Natsuki, these look great!," Sayori said already reaching to grab one.

"Y-yeah they look good," Yuri said, also grabbing one.

Sayori, who somehow already ate her cupcake went over to Natsuki.

"Your cupcakes, your poems, they're all as cute as you are!," Sayori said while hugging Natsuki from behind.

"I'm. Not. CUTE!!!!" Natsuki pushed Sayori off of her.

"Says the one who keeps her manga colection in the clubroom," Monika chiped in. Manga?


Natsuki growled.


I giggled and grabed a cupcake.

I take a bite of the cupcake and let all of the flavor reach my tounge. This is deliciouse!

"Wow Natsuki, this is great! Thanks!"

"Why are you thanking me?? i-its not like I made them for you or anything!," Natsuki huffed.

"According to Sayori, you kinda did...''

"Whatever!" Natsuki stormed away to the closet.

"Monikaaaaaaa!!! You moved my manga to the top shelf again!!"

"Oops, sorry!!''

I walk over there to try and help her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to help you get your manga." I look at the box. "Parfait girls?"

"Yeah, and if you're going to juge you can do it on the glass on that door." Natsuki pointed to the club door.

"No, I dont mean to juge. I just never heard of it before, that's all."

I grab her manga and put it on the closest desk.

"Thanks I guess."

"You're welcome."

She sits on the floor and pats the floor next to her, signaling for me to sit down next to her.

"You want me to read this with you?"

"No I brought you here to sit there and rot, of course I want you to read this with me you idiot! You did help me get it down anyway." She mumbled the last part and started blushing but I dont say anything for my survival.

We read a few chapters of the manga until we heared Monika's voice.

"Okay everyone, it's almost time to go, but first we need to talk about the festival and what you guys will be doing. Natsuki, you can make cupcakes. Yuri, you can work on the atnosphere of the club. Sayori is helping me with fliers. And the festivel is this Monday."

"What about me?" Did she really forget about me??

"Umm you can help Natsuki with cupcakes."

"Do you even know how to bake??"


"Then I'll have to teach you... or just give you all the dirty work."

"Whatever you want"

"You're place, Sunday at 12 ok?"

"My place?? Wouldn't I go to your place?"

"My dad would- he doesn't like people over..."

"Okay then."

"Also here's my number." She hands me a small piece of paper with her number on it.

"Do you just keep these on you?"

"N-no I just have some for if I'm in a hurry or something! Also take this and read the rest of it so we can read the next volume tommorow!" She hands me the manga we read earlier.

"You're just giving me this??"

"Yeah dummy! We would never be able to finish it if we only read it at the club!"

She walks away and goes to pack up her things and I do the same.

"Do you wanna walk home together Y/n?," Sayori asks. We haven't walked home together in like... forever! That was because of clubs and stuff.

"Yeah lets go!"

We walk home and I start reading the manga when I get home, not wanting to dissapoint Natsuki.





My Cupcake Natsuki x male reader Where stories live. Discover now