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I put the note into the left locker...

Gosh I hope this is the one!

I hear the bell ring so I leave to go to class.

When classes are over I walk with Natsuki to get our stuff.

I walk get my stuff faster than her and hurry out of the building.

I hear a faint,"Wait! Y/n!" so I stop.

Natsuki runs to me and breaths heavily when she gets to me.

"Oh my god you walk so fast! Anyway yeah I love you too idiot."

She loves me?

"S-s-so a-are we..."

I let her figure the rest of the sentance out on her own. Like a pussy.

"Yeah, dummy. I-if you want to be that is!"

Natsuki starts to blush from embaracement.

"Yeah, I want to."

Natsuki and I hold hands as we walk home together.

Ending 7: Fell in love

My Cupcake Natsuki x male reader Where stories live. Discover now