Movie M

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"Eh kinda boring but what do you wanna watch?"

I think for a minute.

"You know what Y/n? You've been deciding a lot of stuff so I'm gonna chose what movie to watch!"

I watch Monika scan the wall of movies available to watch.

"How about this horror movie?," Monika said happily.


Oh god why did she pick horror?!

We walk into the movie theater, snacks in our pockets and Monika's purse, like everyone does.

Monika walks toward the room where our movie will be shown.

"What about popcorn and drinks?"

"Oh yeah I forgot! Here what do you want?"

Popcorn and drinks...

"We can get a popcorn to share and two large drinks?"

"What soda?"

"Dr pepper?"

Monika snaps her fingers and our food is in my hands.

"Hehe thanks for reminding me!"

"You're welcome.."

We find a seat and sit down.

"Right here in the middle!"

I scan the area and notice we're the only people here.

"Hey we're the only people here Monika!"


I sit down and we watch the movie.

Half way through Monika gets scared and starts hugging me.

"You ok Mon?"

Monika giggles because of the cute nickname.

"Yeah I'm good"

The credits roll on the screen and Monika gets up.

"That was a great movie! We should do this more often!


We walk out and go home.

When we get there we see Natsuki.

Go to Natsuki: go the the chapter titled Go With Natsuki M

Stay with Monika: go to the chapter titled: Forget About It M

My Cupcake Natsuki x male reader Where stories live. Discover now