Go With Natsuki M

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I see Natsuki and walk over to her.

"Hi Natsuki!"

Monika looks like she wants to leave, but can't I hang out with friends every once and a while?

"Y/n! I really need to tell you something!"

"Y/n can we go?"

"One sec Mon, what's up Nat?"

Natsuki blushed at the nickname.

"U-um will you be my b-boyfriend"

I'm still in love with her...


"Y/n we're leaving," Monika said and started to walk away but I didn't go.

I whispered yes to Natsuki and went with Monika.

We walked home.


"Why did you say yes to Natsuki Y/n?"

"I- Uhh..."


"I-I'm s-s-sorry Monika..."

I put my hand up and walk backwards.

Monika goes to the kitchen and grabs something but she hid it behind her back.

I was against the wall now...

"Y/n~ You know I love you~"

Monika pinned me against the wall so I couldn't move and showed her knife.

"I love you too..."

"We both know that's a lie~ And if I can't have you..."

Monika kissed me deeply.

Then she whispered, "No one can~"

She plunged the knife into my stomach and I began to scream from the pain.

I fell to the floor while Monika was laughing really loud.

Then it went dark.

Then I couldn't hear her voice anymore.

Ending 3: If I can't have you no one can

My Cupcake Natsuki x male reader Where stories live. Discover now