Cuddles N

864 10 4

I get in bed next to Natsuki and she hugs me and buries her head in my chest.

I hug her back and we sleep, with nothing else happening except for the occasional kissing Natsuki's forehead.

I hear a car come into the driveway so I jolt up and go back under the bed.

I did that carefully so I didn't wake up Natsuki.

I hear Natsuki's door slam open.


Natsuki jumped out of bed.

"I'll g-get ready s-sir"

"Good. I'm going to the bar so walk to and back from school yourself."

"Y-yes sir..."

The dad slammed the door and left the house.

Natsuki got ready.

I stayed under the bed until I heard her walk out of the room.

I was still in my school cloths from the... Monika incident so I walked out of the room.

I see Natsuki walking downstairs.

"Hey Nat," Natsuki jumps and almost punches me in the face.

"OH MY GOD Y/N! Don't scare me like that!!"

"Ah... sorry about that."

"Ugh it's fine, let's just go to school."

When you get to school:

Slip a note confessing to Natuski in her locker: go to the chapter titled Love Letter

Its not the right time: go to the chapter called Waiting

My Cupcake Natsuki x male reader Where stories live. Discover now