Go inside N

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The yelling got louder so I knocked on the door.


No response.

I knock again.



I try the handle and it opens.

I quietly go inside.

"Dad stop!!"


Oh god how do I stop this??

They're in the living room so I go upstairs and under Natsuki's bed.


Where else do I hide?? I just broke up into this guys house!

I hear Natsuki being shoved into her room.

She starts crying.

She grabs a stuffed animal and throws across the room.

"Stupid dad.." Natsuki says quietly.

Her dad comes in.


I'm not gonna explain what happened next...


Yes it's what you think...

He leaves the room.

Natsuki cries and screams into a pillow case.

I hear a car starting and driving away so I assume it's her dad's car so I get out from under the bed.

Natsuki is looking away from where I came out and she didn't hear anything so I quietly walk to the door.

"Y/n?! Why are you in my house, pervert!!

"I uh heard yelling and I knocked but no one answered so I went in..."

"You really are an idiot"


"How much were you here for?!"

"Ahh... quite a bit?"

I back up towed the door, hands up.

Natsuki steps toward me.

I brace for impact and close my eyes.

I get a kiss on the cheek???

Then she punched me in the stomach. Softly."


"That's what you get for breaking into my house!"

"Should I leave?"

"No! Don't leave! Er- uh... just don't go."


We talked for a while and then she was ready to go to bed.

Natsuki got in bed.

Get in bed and cuddle with her: go to the chapter titled Cuddles N

Sleep on the couch in the living room: Living Room N

My Cupcake Natsuki x male reader Where stories live. Discover now