Chapter 8

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I open the door


I see Yuri outside. Why would she be here? She barely ever talks to me.


She gasps as though I was a ghost.

"O-oh I'm s-sorry, are you b-busy?"

"Nope, come inside. It's warm in here."

She nods and slowly walks inside.

I walk to the couch and gesture for her to follow and we sit on the couch.

"So why did you come?"

"I-I just wanted to h-hang out."

Hang out? I looked at my phone. It says 10:35 and there's a text.


???: Tell her to leave. She doesn't belong here.

Y/n: Why?? And how do you know she's here? And who are you??

???: I am Toad.

Y/n: Then why didn't you just talk to me through my mind?

Toad: Oh yeah I forgot about that



I completely forgot about Yuri.

"Oh! Sorry someone texted me."

"I-If you don't mind... who was it?"

I can't say Toad, what do I say??

"Uh.. Natsuki..."

"Oh... y-you can hang out with her i-if you want to..."

"No no no, we can hang out, she had to leave just now so we can talk or something."

"W-well I um wanted to tell you something..."

Yuri got up and stood in front of me.

She pulled out her phone and looked at me.

"A-actually, can we continue this at the club?"


She looks happy.

"Great! i-if you can, can you get to the club earlier than the other club members? I can open the club earlier."

Can I Toad?

No.... Actually yes go!

Uh okay.

"Yeah, I can do that!"

Her eyes lit up.

"Yay! Thank you!"

"No problem, Yuri."

She walked out the door, followed by a wave and I waved back.

I went to bed, wondering about what Yuri was going to say.





My Cupcake Natsuki x male reader Where stories live. Discover now