Chapter 3

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We walk home and I start reading the manga, not wanting to dissapoint Natsuki


I wake up with manga on my face. I guess I fell asleep reading it.

I walk to the bathroom take a shower, get dressed and brush my teeth... Like always...

Why do I do the same things every day? I shook it off and go down to the kitchen.

I text Sayori Good morning, even though its 7:00 in the morning and she wouldn't get up right now.

To my suprise, she texts me back almost immediately!


Y/n: Good morning Sayori

CinubunSayori: Good morning Y/n!

Y/n: Woah are you sick??
Y/n: You're never up this early!

CinubunSayori: I'm not sick silly!
CinubunSayori: I just woke up from my alarm! I usually sleep through it though...

Y/n: Ok well get ready for school! Im gonna come over around 7:30 ok?

CinubunSayori: Ok! See you soon!

Y/n: See ya


I turn off my phone and make some pancakes for breakfast.

Wait didn't I eat that yesterday for breakfast?

I don't know anymore.

When the pancakes are finished I eat them and check the time once more: 7:24.

I grab my backpack and head out the door. I get to sayori's house and see her waiting for me.

"Hi Y/n! Are you ready to go?"

Do I have everything?

"Yep I think I got everything- WAIT THE MANGA!!"

"Oh you better get that or Natsuki's gonna kill you."

I drag her to my house and get the manga and put it in my bag.

It's now 7:46 so we walk to school, hoping we wont be late.

When we get to school we wake 'Goodbye' to eachother and go to our separate classes.



Time skip~



When classes are over I start walking to Sayori's club once again.

I open the door to see Natsuki of all people waiting for me.

My Cupcake Natsuki x male reader Where stories live. Discover now