Chapter 1

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I get out of bed. I check my phone and see: Wednesday, 6:00 am.

I sigh and start getting ready for school.

My parents are in a different state doing work, so I live alone for the most part.

I take a shower, get dressed, and brush my teeth.

I look at my phone for the time; 6:38. I grab my back pack and put it by the door so I wont forget it.

I go to the kitchen, make and eat breakfast and look at the time once more. 7:28.

It took that long to eat breakfast???

I text Sayori 'I'm coming to pick you up' and get no responce so I assumed she's sleeping.

I grab my back pack and head out the door. I walk over to Sayori's house.

We've been best friends sence I can remember so we go into each others houses without even nocking most of the time.

I go inside her house and walk upstairs to her room.


No answer.

"I'm coming in!"

I gentally open the door...

This can't be real...

I see her peacefully sleeping and I go over to her to wake her up.

Why has she slept in this late???

"Wake up sleapy head it's time for school!"

"Five more minutessssssssssss"

She rolls over, refusing to wake up.

"Come on, we're gonna be late!"

She rolls back over to me, and opens her eyes.

"Ugh, fine fine."

She gets out of bed and I leave her room so she can get changed.

She opens the door and goes to the bathroom, brushes her teeth and grabbs a granola bar.

"You ready to go? We only got..." I look at my phone for the time. "Fifteen minutes."

"Yeah I'm ready, lets go!" She walks out the door and I follow.



Time skip~



Class was as boring as ever. When everyone leaves I see Sayori walk into the class room.

"Soooooo?" She looks at me waiting for an answer.

"So?" She didn't bring any context for me to give an answer to so I was a little confused.

"Didn't you say you were gonna join a club this year?"

I dont really remember saying yes to joining one, but she was probably talking and I wasn't really paying attention so I was just going along with whatever she was saying.

"Oh yeah... I guess I could join the anime club?"

"Well uh hear me out... what about joining my club!"

Sayori was the vice president of the litrature club, though I'm sure she doesn't care much for litrature and she's only there to make friends.

"There is no way I'm going to join your club, Sayori."

"Aw, Meanie!!"

"Why do you want me to join your club so much anyway?"

"Well... I kindaaaa told the club that we were getting a new member... and Natsuki baked cupcakes and everything!" Sayori put her two pointer fingers together and looked at the ground.

I let out a sigh.

"Fine I'll join your club."


She practicly drags me to her club and opens the door to revial three girls.





My Cupcake Natsuki x male reader Where stories live. Discover now