Chapter 7

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"What was it you wanted to tell me?"


She looks down at the floor, probably thinking of what to say.

"Umm m-my dad...." Her dad? What about him??

"What about your dad, Nat?"

She started to cry a little, so I get up and hug her.


She gets abused.

How do you know this, and what do I even call you?? And how do I know that your not lying to me??

I know this because many other play- 'people' have been in the same situation as you. And you may call me Toad.


I like the name, dont juge me!

Ok fine, but what do you mean other people have been in the same situation as me?

And why do you ask so many questions?

Because you have answers.

... I'll tell you on friday, this week. Go to the litrature club at 7:30 pm.

Uh... ok?


"My dad... abuses me..."

She's telling me this again?? Oh yeah I was stuck in time with Toad.

"Oh..." I don't know what to say in this situation...

"I was wondering if I could stay over on the weekend?"

I look at my phone. It's Tuesday.

"Yeah sure, but why not now?"

"I don't know... I just feel like something bad will happen if I stay tonight..."

"Alright. If you ever change your mind, I'm always here."

She comes over to me and hugs me.

"Thanks Y/n"

I start to blush a little.

"You're welcome." She walks away but then turns back to face me.

She walks twords me and gives me a kiss on the cheek and runs out the house.

Woah.. I wasnt expecting that...

I wasn't either... This wasnt supposed to happen...

What do you mean this wasnt supposed to happen? It was amazing!

She now has a crush on you and she will try to confess on Fryday... that will be an issue....

I'd get a girlfriend! That's not an issue!

It's an issue for us- you! If she dates you, she'll spend way too much time with you and you'll forget all about Sayori!

Oh yeah... Sayori... Toad, we went back in time right?


And that was your doing right?

Yeah? Where are you going with this?

Then we can go back in time and save Sayori!



There was a loud knock on the door. I look out the window and it was Yuri?

I open the door.





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