Love Letter

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I watched Natsuki put her bag in her locker and she took out some books.

I mentally noted where her locker was and walked to class.

After three classes it became lunch time.

I went to the roof and began writing a note, mainly because I'm too much of a pussy to tell her face to face.

When I finished the note I re-read it to make sure it was exactly how I wanted it.

My love,

The way you're pink hair flows through the air
The way you smile so kindly
The way you dance like no one cares

That is why I love you.

The way you're laugh is so cute
The way you write so amazing
The way you look while smiling so cutely

That is why I love you.

You are the sunshine to my rainshower
You are the happiness to my disaster
You are the better half of my broken heart

There are so many ways to show how amaing you are.
So many, I can't fit them all into this poem.
I love you.
I hope you love me too.


Y/n <3

I walk down the stairs and go to the locker.

Put the note in the left locker: go to the chapter titled Left

Put the note in the right locker: go to the chapter titled Right

My Cupcake Natsuki x male reader Where stories live. Discover now