Chapter 5

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I wake up and try to get up, but someone is holding me.

Of cource, it's Nat. Wait what happened after we made cupcakes? I don't remember anything.

Natsuki wakes up and looks at me.


"Natsuki I don't even remember what happened after we made cupcakes, much less do I know why I'm sleeping next to you."

"TH- Wait what did happen after we made cupcakes?"

"I don't know, but we should get ready for school 'cause it's Monday."

"I dont have an extra pair of the school uniform..."

Oh yeah, I dont beleive we were going to have a sleep over so she didn't pack

"Oh... I have an extra one if you want to use it."

"S-sure," Natsuki stuttered, and I could see her blushing.

I leave the room to let her change and check my phone.

7:35AM; No notifications.

Where has Sayori been??

Natsuki gets out of the room with an oversized school uniform.

"I t-think it's a bit too big..."

"It'll have to do for today unless you can wash yours in 1 minute."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed her backpack and went to school and I followed her. Sayori can take care of herself... right?

We made it to school and we waved 'bye' and went off to our classes.



Time skip to after school~



I leave class as soon as the bell rings, so I can ask Sayori why she hasn't been answering my texts.

I open the door and see Natsuki, Yuri, and Monika.

I walk over to Monika.

"Where is Sayori."

She looks at me, confused.

"I don't know. But you kinda left her hanging this morning ya know?"

I looked at her like she was crazy.

"I don't care that I didn't walk her to school. You were the last one who saw her. Where is she??"

"Like I said, I don't know. She probably was too lazy to get out of bed."

That does sound like something she would do so I walked over to the closet, buying the excuse.

"Did you three remember to write poems?"

My Cupcake Natsuki x male reader Where stories live. Discover now