Chapter 4

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I get to my house once again, I read the manga not wanting to dissapoint Natsuki


I get up, still very tired, and grab my phone. I say 'Good morning' to Sayori and she doesn't text back.

It's Saterday so she's probably sleeping in -not that she doesn't do that on any other day- and I should do that too, because there's nothing that I have to do today.



Time skip to Sunday~



I get up, manga on my face, like always... Yet I don't remember reading manga yesterday... Maybe I just forgot about it.

I check my phone for the time and to see if Sayori texted me back yesterday.

My phone only reads: 11:15 with a cute wallpaper of Natsuki as my backround.

I should probably change that, incase she needs my phone.

I go to my texts with Sayori. She hasen't even read it.

She's probably being super lazy or she ate way too much sweets and is going crazy away from her phone.

I get dressed and brush my teeth after a take a shower.

I head downstairs and make... pancakes.


Dont question my life style-

I eat the finished pancakes, with syrup.

Whoever eats pancakes without syrup needs medical help.

I check my phone again, still no sign of Sayori.

I diside not to worry about her because she's probably helping Monika with the festive so I started cleaning up.

With it being 11:50 Natsuki should be here soon.

I still don't know why her dad wouldn't want me over.

I mean.

I'm only in love with her.

Once I'm done cleaning I hear a nock on the door.

I open the door and the beautiful tsundere herself is at my doorstep.

"Welcome Nat, to the house you will be baking in. It even has an oven. Yes! You no longer have to bring one of those here, for I am not that poor."

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