Chapter 17

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I glanced up as Gene left Naru's office with a smug look on his face.

"Hey Mai call everyone and ask them to meet here at 2:30pm. We have a new case that we want to discuss with everyone."

I nodded and and picked up the phone to call everyone wondering what kind of case it would be. I glanced at my day planner and leaned down to write in the two meetings Gene had told me about for tomorrow as the phone was ringing.

It took 30 minutes to call everyone but everyone said they would be here. I glanced around the lobby and made sure that everything was orderly and clean. I wanted to make sure everything was fine today if I was going to be missing part of tomorrow.

"Mai. Come in here." I sighed before heading to Naru's office. He wasn't calling for tea so I doubted that him calling me in was probably going to end poorly. I had already prepared myself for him to yell at me or be sarcastic. What I didn't prepare for was him to gesture for me to sit down in one of the to chairs that sat in front of his desk.

"You have tomorrow morning off. Gene told me about your plans from your living situation and I figured you'd enjoy having some time to prepare everything for that. So once you finish your work you may leave for you night. Once your meeting is finished tomorrow I'd still like you to come in. We all need to speak about the case and you need to be present as well."

I smiled at him and jumped up from my chair. "Thanks Naru!" I would've hugged him but it didn't seem appropriate so I settled for bowing and flashing him a warm smile before bouncing out the door. When I got back to my desk I noticed the flowers that still sat on my desk. It was times like this when I remembered exactly why I fell in love with Naru to begin with. He was caring and compassionate even if he tried to act cold towards everyone. His eyes gave away a lot about him and one day I hoped to found out all of Naru's little quirks and emotions. I sighed deeply and could help but wish I could move with flowers away.

Now my heart started a war with my head. I knew it was stupid of me to continue yearning of Naru when nothing was every going to become of it he had made that clear when he left with Gene. Although somewhere deep inside I could still tell that my heart was looking for Naru and not anyone else. I felt upset because Luca has been so nice to me for the past few weeks that my head is telling me to forget about Naru and be with Luca. So now I had to make a decision let my heart will and yearn for someone who may not ever love me in return or forget the fast flutters of my head and logically choose someone who makes me forget.

"Hey Mai, why are you frowning at the flowers?" I snapped my head up to see Gene looking at me with a worried expression.

"Oh it's nothing Gene. I'm just thinking about some stuff and I guess I kind of zoned out." I giggled a bit and smiled. I could see the doubt still plainly stated in his eyes but he didn't push the subject. I didn't want to admit that I still had feelings for Naru. If I told Gene then it's possible he could let it slip to a Naru and I don't want to ruin the friendship I've built with Naru when I haven't even made a decision yet.

I quickly finished all my work and made Naru his last cup of tea for the night.

"Here Naru, I'm leaving now." I set the cup of tea down and turned to leave.

"I hope everything works out for you Mai." I was shocked by his words, he usually didn't say kind things so bluntly.

"Thank you Naru. That means a lot." I smiled hugely and left. On m way I out told Lin and Gene goodbye and started heading home with my flowers cradled to my chest. The vase wasn't heavy so I brought it home. It would be better not to constantly being forced to think about my decision so I'd set the flowers somewhere in my home that was out of the way.

When I got home I placed every thing near the entrance and slipped off my shoes. I set to making myself a hot cup of tea. I glanced around and couldn't help but feel a tinge of nostalgia come over me. I thoughts of when Naru left and when he came back it all happened within the span of 8 months and still it felt like an entire lifetime ago. I glanced at the clock which now read 9 o'clock. I had been lost in thought for an hour; I stood up and stretched enjoying the feeling of my back cracking slightly. I took my cup to the kitchen and quickly washed it. I changed my alarm from 7am to 10am. It would be nice to sleep in for a change but I set it 3 hours before my meeting so I could still do a few small things around my house. I wanted to start packing some things which only made me slightly nervous. I hoped tomorrow would be a good day. My lease was up at the end of this month and if Naru had a case for us to go on I didn't want to wait til the last minute to pack.

I got dressed for bed and slipped in and fell straight to sleep.

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