Chapter 12

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Mai's POV:

Not seconds after Gene and I got back to base after taking the temperatures Naru was ordering me to go make his precious tea. I grumbled all the way to the kitchen cursing that idiot narcissist for being so rude. Maybe it's better if I like Luca. I filled the kettle with water and set it on the stove to boil leaning against the counter. I felt annoyed with the narcissist his teasing pissed me off and it wouldn't kill him to say please and thank you once in a while. I sighed but knew that no matter how bad Naru got I'd always forgive him.

I shook my head and reprimanded myself. No I'm supposed to be forgetting my feelings for Naru not reassuring them. The kettle whistled loudly for my attention and I went to retrieve it. I made Naru his precious tea and returned to base completely lost in thought. I set the cup down on the table and went to sit on the couch beside Gene who was currently absorbed in his research.

Third Person POV:

Masako and Ayako were walking down the hall on the second floor when Masako suddenly stopped and turned towards where she felt the spirit. The spirits anger and jealousy was suffocating. It was strong enough that the priestess was able to feel it and shivered at the sudden drop in temperature. Masako stepped forward slowing and calmly trying to ease into speaking with the spirit.

"May I ask your name?" Masako spoke softly but confidently from behind her kimono sleeve. The spirit threw Ayako, who gave a small scream, against the wall in response to the question.

"There is no need to be angry. We only want to help you!" Masako refused to let her fear show and stood even straighter than before intent on connecting with the spirit. Again the spirit felt nothing at the young woman's words. They only made the spirit angrier.

"I can't trust you; you'll turn against me!" Masako was thrown across the room and was terrified as the spirit came closer fully intent on hurting her even more when swift footsteps fell upon the ears of both. Monk and John rushed in. John ran to Ayako who was currently unconscious against the wall as Monk began his chant. Monk didn't even finish his chant before the spirit completely disappeared at the presence of the men. Monk went to Ayako and picked her up gently his eyes conveying the immense worry he held for the woman. John was quickly helping Masako to her feet; she was dizzy and unsteady on her feet so John wrapped his arm around the petite woman. Masako and John blushed at the contact. They all made their way back to base.

Mai jumped up at the sight of Ayako in Monks arms and motioned for him to lay her on the couch. John helped Masako to a chair that was situated by the couch and began to check Masako for any bruises that he hadn't immediately seen earlier. Mai was looking over Ayako making sure she was comfortable and without serious injury.

Monk was over by the monitors with Gene, Lin and Naru discussing what Monk had witnessed.

Naru's POV:

"Monk spoke quietly not disturbing the now sleeping Ayako, "I hadn't even finished my chant before the spirit completely vanished. She seemed unwilling to harm John and me." Naru nodded and grasped his chin between his thumb and forefinger. "That's interesting; I think we should change the normal sleeping arrangements. Monk you will stay in the same room as Ayako, Gene you and Lin should be alright on your own, Masako and John will stay together, finally Mai and I will share a room." Monk nodded and walked away checking on Ayako and quietly explaining to Mai what had happened. Lin returned to his place at the monitors and Gene sat down next to me to continue on his research while I reread the notes on this case.

'A straightforward approach to winning over Mai huh? I like your boldness Noll.'

'Shut up Gene; this is only for the good of the case. She needs to be protected if the spirit is going after the girls."

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