Chapter 2

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Mai's POV:

Yasu set me on the couch and moved away. "Are you okay?" I nodded my head as I pulled my legs up to my chest. "Alright stay here I'm going to go help them bring everything in okay?" Before Yasu could leave Oliver made his way into the room and began setting up the shelving for the monitors. I noticed Yasu quickly whisper something in Oliver's ear before turning and walking out. I glanced between Oliver and the door in confusion but quickly gave up on trying it out. Oliver doesn't care about me. Even if I was to ask what Yasu had told him he'd just ignore me. I laid my head on my knees and looked towards the window on the far side of the room.

I felt the couch dip beside and assumed it was Yasu so I leaned against the warm body.

"Hey Yasu?" I said without turning toward him.

"Sorry to disappoint Mai but I'm obviously not Yasu." Oliver's cold voice made me jump; my face became bright red as I realized that I had lain against Oliver. I immediately scooted as far away as the couch would allow.

"Mai I need to speak with you." I nodded encouraging for him to continue as I looked at my hands.

"Would you at least look at me while I'm speaking to you?" I slowly raised my head and saw a bit of relief pass through his eyes before returning to their natural blank state.

"Yasu told me that you usually act erratic like this after having a dream, I need you to tell me what happened." I took a deep breath and nodded.

"I was a girl; probably the same age as you, I was locked in the basement. I couldn't move I was restrained and I felt so scared... I felt so alone. My emotions were running wild and I just wanted nothing more than to disappear. I was being held captive in some cold area, a basement probably, something underground like that." I took a deep breath trying not to cry. "I couldn't see the man's face but his eyes were green and he wanted to rape me... When I struggled he got angry and choked me until I lost consciousness. He killed me..." By this time I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. I was a bit shocked when I felt someone wrap their arms around me, but what shocked me even more was when I looked up it was Oliver. I felt protected when I was near him, even though I knew it would hurt more to bury my feelings from him I gave in. Just this once. Then I'll give up on him. I selfishly stole this moment even though I knew Oliver felt nothing towards me. I felt so safe and warm in his arms that I snuggled closer and just cried. Before I even knew it my sobs gave way to snores.

Naru's POV:

"He killed me..." Before I could even respond to what Mai had said she began crying. I felt so helpless looking at her while she was crying. Logic told me to leave and go get someone who had dealt with the crying girl before, but my body had a different plan. Without any hesitation I scooted closer to Mai and wrapped my arms around her. It felt so right, she so warm and soft. I felt her tense up for a moment as she looked up to see my face; I was about to pull away and accept her rejection when I felt her relax and snuggle closer to my chest. The world around me faded as I hugged her, it felt so perfect that I never wanted it to end. I should let go before everyone brings in the equipment, but she's still crying... I can't leave her. I knew I was taking a giant risk but I pulled her closer in hopes that she would calm down before the others came in. They would probably yell at me for making Mai think I'm Gene and confusing her feelings. Hell they'd probably yell at me for touching her. With all the thoughts running through my head I nearly missed that Mai's sobs had stopped and instead she was snoring peacefully. Lin chose this moment to walk in and smirk before beginning to set up his laptop. "I suggest letting her go if you don't want all of SPR to see you like that." I begrudgingly took Lin's advice and let go of her. I moved her so she was comfortably lying on the couch and had moved back to my chair just in time for the rest of SPR to walk in.

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