Chapter 15

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Mai's POV:
As I walked out of SPR I could feel the soft breeze somewhat cooling my still flushed face. I was still really embarrassed by the events that Naru caused. I never imagined that he would willingly have someone that close to him.

He always seemed like that type of person who didn't enjoy people in his personal space which was understandable; maybe he just did it because he wanted to be close to me. I buried those thoughts deep in my mind placing them under lock and key so they wouldn't try to grow any more. I shook my head; 'no I can't get my hopes up that he likes me. I'll just end up getting hurt.'

My bus pulled up and I got on sitting down near the front. I was absentmindedly playing with the strap of my bag while I was rapping my foot. After receiving a few annoyed glances at my tapping I pulled my phone out trying to distract myself from thoughts about Naru. I felt like I was think about him more often now that I had made the decision to try and get over him. The bus ride was long and boring so when it finally stopped down the street from my apartment I bolted off the bus. I hated the long bus ride because it always gave me time to think which was never good. I try not to worry about things but when I have time to think my mind goes into overdrive and starts worrying way too much.

The bus stopped and I got off. As I walked all traces of thoughts about Naru disappeared and were replaced by thoughts of my living situation. I needed to figure out what I was going to do first before I could even begin to deal with anything else. I stopped by the mail center to collect all the mail that had arrived while I was gone and then headed up to my apartment. I dropped my bag by the door and kicked off my shoes before dropping the giant pile of mail onto the table near the entrance. I kicked the door closed behind me grabbing the new lease agreement from the top of the mountain of mail but now the question remained was would I sign the new lease or move to a new apartment.

Just looking at the documents made the tension in my body increase tenfold. If I signed it I would need to do a lot of rebudgeting but moving out would also cost me a bit more although I did have some money stored up in my saving account that could take care of the costs I don't really want to spend that I was saving it in case I ever had an emergency. The cost of the apartment's deposit along with buying boxes plus hiring someone to help her move was bound to leave a large dent in her savings.

I vaguely recalled what Gene had said about there being an apartment near to the Davis twins that was vacant. I remembered what their apartment looked like and it seemed way too nice to be in my price range but would Gene really lie about something like that? I had to doubt that idea highly I knew Gene could be mischievous but he would never give me bad advice in a situation like this. Maybe I could ask Gene for the information just so I could explore all my options.

I shook my head and tried to relax I had just gotten over being sick I didn't need to be stressing so much that I made myself sick again. I tossed the leasing documents on the coffee table and went to the kitchen to make some tea. Hopefully a nice book and a warm glass of tea would help relax me. Of course it didn't take me long to finish preparing my tea before I curled up in the corner of my couch with a nice book. I sat there reading for about two hours completely absorbed in the fantasy novel that followed the life of a girl who's family was deemed to be the human interpretation of the 12 animals of the zodiac. I had just met a new character who was apparently also in the zodiac but my muscles were stiff so I stopped reading to stretch. I wanted to continue but a quick glance at the clock told me to continue reading tomorrow.

I'd made my decision while reading so I grabbed my phone and opened up my messages.
To Gene:
I've thought about what you said earlier and I want to consider it. It would make sense to be near you guys as I'm training so is it possible for you to give me the information so I can look into the apartment?

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