Chapter 14

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Mai's POV:

I could hear everyone else outside the room but it didn't calm my nerves. I was uncomfortable sitting in there alone; I felt like I needed someone to be in the room with me. 'I shouldn't be alone' my subconscious whispered to me. I shook my head and steeled my nerves. This is the only thing they've asked of me on this case so I'm going to do it.

I heard a faint "The temperature is dropping rapidly you guys." from Naru's radio. I shivered from the cold and wrapped my arms around myself. This wasn't going to go well…

Moments later all the door slammed shut. A muttered a few curse words under my breath and stood up trying to seem as calm as possible although on the inside I was freaking out. I could hear rough pounding on the door and then nothing; I assume they went to find something that can break down the door or even look for another way to get me out.

My instincts told me to turn around so I did and there sat the spirit looking prim and proper.

"You ruined everything. You were the reason my husband could never love me. You're the reason that I can't be happy." I could see the tears streaming down her face.

"Please listen to me I did nothing wrong. I'm not the same women who stole your husband from you. I may look like her but I'm not her. I'm here because I want to help you move on peacefully. I just want-"

"Stop lying! You're only trying to save your own skin!" The spirits yelling toppled the camera and shattered the lens and threw me back against the wall. My back was bruised a bit but I would be fine in a bit. 'Come on Mai; you can do this. You don't need anyone else to protect you.' My little inner pep talk distracted me and let me wide open for the spirit to hurl a lamp at me. I ducked just in time but I fell into the glass regardless creating yet another long gash for Ayako to take a look at later.

"Mai! Are you alright?! The camera lens is shattered so we can't see anything!" Monk sounded worried but it only steeled my resolve to do this alone. I didn't need to them constantly freaking out anytime I walked out of their sight.

"I'm fine Monk. Don't worry I can handle this myself." I took a deep breath and tried to control my emotions. The slight tremble of my hands was enough proof of that I was anything but calm; inside I was a bundle of untamed emotions. I tried to recall everything Lin had told me a few days ago about controlling my emotions. Take deep breaths, picture you're somewhere peaceful, concentrate on controlling you heart rate and breathing. I regained what little control I could and lashed out with my PK. I missed the spirit and managed to break the table. This wasn't as easy as Naru had claimed it would be for me. My instincts could only get my so far without proper training.

Under my breath I muttered, "Note to self, pay attention during your training sessions." The door burst open and sent debris flying toward me; the spirit remained unaffected and lunged for me. I couldn't stop the fear that coursed through me and ended up releasing a large amount of my PK exorcising the spirit before she could do anymore damage. I felt overcome with exhaustion and collapsed against the wall.

"You alright Mai?" I nodded and gave a small smile. 'God what I wouldn't give for a nap right about now.'

"Gene take Mai back to base to rest. Ayako go check on Mai then perform a walk through with Masako once more before we wrap this up. John and Monk clean up in here." Naru turned and walked out presumably back to base.

"Do you wanna walk or want me to carry you?" Gene stood close by and was ready to pick me up. I stood unsteadily but none the less got up. He looped his arm around my waist and helped me to base. Naru was there with Lin going over what had happened and phoning the client to tell them that we had finished the job.

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