Chapter 5

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Lin's POV:

I was exhausted after everything that had happened today. Yamamoto-san took a while to calm down after hearing that Taniyama-san had been targeted and attacked by the spirit but was relieved to know that she would no longer be bothered by said spirit. I made my way back to the base hoping to get some rest before leaving for the hospital. I walked into see Yasu packing up equipment and Noll on the phone.

"Lin I need to speak with you." I was a bit shocked by his use of English at first but quickly recovered and nodded.

"Madoka just called and informed me that he's awake and he's missing. We need to leave for England at once to find him." Yasu left leaving Noll and I alone making it easier to speak of such matters.

"The security camera shows him walking out of the hospital of his own free will but from there they have no idea where he could have gone. While we wrap up this case I need you to book us a flight for England by the day after tomorrow. Once we finish packing we'll go check on Mai then head to the airport to leave." Noll ran his head through his hair effectively showing exactly how stressed he was. As a boy he used to do that anytime he was stressed but he always refrained from it because he didn't want people to know when he was stressed.

"While I help Yasu finish packing I want you to try to find him; check his bank records and anything else you suspect he may use after all this time." With that Noll quickly left the room anxiously packing everything. I sat at the table and began my search. I knew that unless he wanted to be found that he wouldn't be but I had
to try looking for Noll's sake. Luckily my persistence paid off because I found that he'd used money from a joint bank account to purchase a one way ticket to Japan that left England in twenty minutes. I calculated the amount of time that it would take Martin and Luella to arrive at the airport and knew they would be too late to stop him. I roughly shut my laptop and left base looking for Noll. I caught him in the living room along with Yasu.

"Noll it seems he's booked a direct flight to here in Japan. His flight is in less than an hour so he'll be arriving about 9am tomorrow morning. I'm going to call Martin and tell him; once we're finished here we'll go to the hospital. In the morning I'll go and retrieve him from the airport." Noll looked at me and nodded then ran his hand threw his hair. He must be really worried about him traveling after just waking up. I left Noll to his thoughts and made my way outside. I leaned against the SPR van as I pulled out my phone and dialed Martin Davis' familiar number.

"Hello Lin, have you found anything about where he's gone?" Martin's voice was filled with worry; I could only imagine how hysterical Luella is.

"Yes he seems to have purchased at direct flight to here in Japan. I suspect he's coming to find Noll." I could hear Martin sigh in exasperation.

"Can't they ever just do as they're told and stop running off to find each other?" A small smirk made its way to my face because I could only imagine what that would be like if they were always around each other.

"If that were to happen we'd be even more worried than we are now." I could hear Martin chuckle a bit and return to a more serious tone.

"You'll go get him from the airport right Lin? I'll book a flight for Luella and I as soon as possible but in the mean time please watch over both of them."

"Of course Martin." I could hear Luella asking Martin what we'd found and I said goodbye so he could handle his very hysteric wife. Short after I hung up Yasu and Noll made their way out with the last of the equipment. We all hopped into the van and made our way to the hospital. The ride there was silent; even Yasu was serious enough to stay quiet through the entire trip. We stepped into the hospital and made a beeline for the nurse's station. "We're here to see Mai Taniyama." The nurse nodded and pointed us in the right direction "Down the hall to your left take the elevator to the third floor she's ICU room number 6." Before we could walk off she stopped us again "Before you go in prepare yourselves; she's not in the bet condition. Also be aware only two people are allowed in her room at once until she's moved from the ICU." I nodded and lead our small group to the elevator. The closer I got the more anxious I became. I'm not sure exactly when the young Japanese girl first entered my heart but I think it was when she yelled at me for hating the Japanese.

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