Chapter 18

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Okay I know you all probably hate me because I haven't been uploading like I promised too but I promise I'm trying but there's a lot going on right now. I'll try to get another chapter written this week since i'm on spring break but I won't make any promises. 

Hopefully the next chapter will pick up pace but I have some trouble writing this since I have a small case of writer's block when it comes to this story but don't worry i'm not giving up!

As always I don't own Ghost Hunt and all rights go to their respective owners. 


Mai’s POV:

My alarm went off precisely at 10am thought I didn’t get out of bed until almost 10:30am. I got ready and allowed myself time to slowly wake up.  I set up a few boxes and packed some things that I didn’t need but didn’t honestly do too much.  I planned on leaving for the meeting no later than 12:00pm since the bus ride was 30 minutes and I wanted to arrive a bit early. I grabbed my purse and keys before heading out. I already put my phone in my purse when I woke up so I didn’t need to worry about grabbing it.

The day was pleasant regardless of all the people out right now.  The bus wasn’t even crowded today and it lifted my spirit. I took all these good things as omens for the rest of day. I know bad things happen but today I’m hoping that everything good is going to happen although I should’ve know that all these good omens were just leading to something bad.

I got to the apartment build a bit later than 12:45 since traffic was a bit bad but it didn’t matter much although I was glad that I did leave early. The build was beautiful and modern. It seemed way too expensive for me to even afford but Gene had promised me that it would be affordable. I had a sneaking suspicion that Gene and Naru had something to do with the fact that the apartment was going to be affordable but I didn’t mind. I knew that no one was comfortable with me living on my own and I imagine everyone would be happier just knowing I lived closer to Naru and Gene.

I entered the building and walked up to the door that read manager’s office. I knocked lightly and was greeted by an older gentleman.

“Hello, I’m Mai Taniyama. I have an appointment at 1 o’clock.”

“Of course, come in.” He held the door open wide and allowed me to take a seat in the office.

“Well shall we get right down to business? I already have a lease agreement printed and ready but I would like to go over everything with you if that’s alright? I know your friend said you had already agreed to all the terms but I still want you to be certain.”  

I nodded and resisted from rolling my eyes. His words only confirmed my suspicions that Gene and Naru had something to do with all this good fortune. The next hour was spent going over the lease and talking over the different aspects of the agreement.

“Well them Miss. Taniyama would you like to take a look at your apartment before you leave?” I glanced at the clock and noticed I had enough time to do a walk through. I smiled and nodded before following over to the elevator and up to the 4th floor. The twin’s apartment, mine and two others were the only 4 apartments located on this floor. I rented a single bedroom apartment that wasn’t over huge but still gave me more space than my apartment had now.

The landlord unlocked the door and allowed me to walk around for a few minutes.

“You can start moving your things in whenever you’d like,” he handed me the keys and left me alone in my new apartment. I spent some time looking around noticing the more western aspects of the apartment. It was more western than I was used to but I didn’t mind. I looked around exploring for a few more minutes before I finally locked it up and heading back down towards the lobby.

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