Chapter 9

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Mai's POV:

Luella released me from her tight hug and then grabbed my bag and my jacket and threw them onto the couch.

"Come on darling you can come help me finish making dinner!" She practically dragged me into the kitchen away from everyone else.

"I'm so happy those two thought to bring you along! Actually I wanted to talk to you before Martin and I left so this all worked out perfectly!" She stopped her cooking and turned to me looking serious. I waited for her to continue but she just hummed a happy tune under her breath and returned to cooking. I shrugged and started helping; in no time at all we finished cooking and called the others into the dining room to eat.

I was really surprised that this hotel suite had both a full kitchen and dining room set but I guess that's what happened when you rent out the penthouse suite. I felt so out of place at their dinner table. I ended up being seated between Gene and Naru much to Gene's delight and Naru's annoyance.

The topics of conversation ranged from my school to sharing stories about Gene and Noll. I felt a small tug at my heart; I missed my parents dearly and sitting here with a family that got a second chance at being whole made me resentful that they get to keep their family but more happy for the fact that they didn't have to suffer that same pain that I did. I excused myself from the table and retreated into the bathroom. Tears were threatening to spill over and I didn't want them to see. I felt the air grow heavy around me and I felt like I was being suffocated by the air. I jumped at the glass shattering in front of me and pressed myself against the wall. I knew I needed to control my emotions but the harder I tried to calm down the more out of control my PK went. My eyes felt heavy and I slid down the wall completely exhausted. As I slid down the wall soaps and bottles dropped to the floor. I heard a knock at the door but it barely registered as I closed my eyes and fainted.

Naru's POV:

Mai excused herself from the table and headed towards the bathroom. I found myself doing this more and more often; now I was always aware of what Mai was doing. She never left my mind and I chided myself for acting like this. She's not even mine; I have no right to think about her.

'Why are you pushing Mai away? You know she loves you what's stopping her from being yours?' I scowled at Gene and replied 'She doesn't love me as much as she thinks; besides I'd only end up hurting her.'

Mother cut into our little discussion "Madoka maybe you should go check on Mai; she been gone for a bit." Gene and I shared and worried look and both bolted up and practically ran down the hallway to the restroom before Madoka could even move. Gene timidly knocked on the door and I stood back a bit shocked by my own eagerness to check on Mai. She must be refusing to open the door because even after knocking a few times the door was still closed.

'I have a bad feeling Noll; just open the door.' I didn't hesitate to use my PK to open the door. I was shocked by the sight in front of me. Mai was curled up in the corner passed out and the room was a complete mess. The glass of the mirror was cracked and everything was broken. Mai must have lost control of her PK to cause this much damage. Gene stepped over all the glass and checked Mai's pulse.

"It's strong; I think she just fainted from exhaustion." He picked her up and passed her to me. I worried for a moment about how to explain this to our parents when Lin walked down the hall most likely to check what was taking us so long. His eyes widened at the sight of a passed out Mai in my arms and quickly took control of the situation.

"Gene tell Madoka to ask Luella and Martin to run to the store to pick up some medicine for Mai; explain that she got sick. Once they leave you two take Mai home and watch her for the night to make sure there are no after effects of her PK usage. I'll clean this up with Madoka's help." Gene quickly made his way to our parents and told them exactly what Lin told him; they rushed out the door to go fetch the medicine far too worried about Mai's well being to question anyone. Gene slipped on his shoes and grabbed my car keys as I laid Mai on the couch to put on my own shoes. Gene took Mai's things and my keys and went to the car; I picked Mai up bridal style and carried her carefully downstairs.

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