Chapter 8

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Naru's POV:

I arrived at the office early the next morning. All night I stayed awake thinking about Gene's words. 'She loves you Noll.' I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Mai loved me like I loved her. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I missed said brunette walk in and begin making tea. I wasn't until the tea cup was set down on my desk that I even noticed her presence.

I hesitated to say anything; I wasn't sure how to tell her what I was feeling. I've never been good with expressing my emotions. Besides that I had never had a relationship so I had no idea how to even begin to tell her. My musing was cut short when Mai just walked out of my office without requesting a 'thank you' from me. I glanced after her only to realize she looked dejected. Lin and Madoka walked in about an hour later after taking Gene to my parent's hotel. In the entire hour I got no work done; I was too busy worrying about my assistant that was acting very strange. I'd already noticed the bags under her eyes that weren't present yesterday.

Lin walked straight into my office and closed my door before speaking quietly "Naru why is Taniyama-san acting so strangely?" Although Lin's voice was level and emotionless you could see the pure worry that his eyes held. It seems that Mai had found her way into all of SPR's hearts. I shook my head at my mentor "I don't know Lin; She's been like this all morning. Try asking Madoka to speak with her; perhaps she'll open up to her." He turned and left my office and retrieved Madoka from his. I could hear the hushed whispers between the two although Mai, who sat at her desk, seemed completely oblivious to everything around her.

"Mai sweetie, are you alright? You don't look so well; are you feeling sick?" Mai looked at Madoka startled. I was pretending to be absorbed in a book although I was listening intently for Mai's answer.

"It's nothing Madoka; I didn't sleep well last night that's all."

"Did you have one of your dreams last night?" I could tell that Madoka hit the nail on the head by the way Mai hesitated.

"I- I did have a dream last night... It was so horrible Madoka! I couldn't even bare to close my eyes for a moment after seeing that..." I watched as Madoka pulled Mai over to the couch out of my view.

"Don't worry Mai; it's alright it was just a memory. Don't dwell on it too much. Let me go get Oliver and Lin then you can tell us what happened alright?" I was already out of my chair before Madoka walked past my door. She met my eyes quickly and motioned for me to go sit by Mai while she got Lin.

The couches were big but I sat as close to Mai as possible without invading her personal space. She just sat there staring at her hands intently as she fidgeted with the end of her skirt. Lin and Madoka sat across from Mai and we all traded looks of worry.

Madoka spoke calmly and softly towards Mai asking if she was ready to tell us what happened.

Mai took a deep shuddering breath and began "I was there in the garden it was such a beautiful day outside; I could feel the sun warming my skin and the soft breeze that brushed my hair around my face. It wasn't me though; I was viewing the world from some else's perspective" She paused before continuing, "Another girl walked up to me and I felt panic rise in my chest. Her eyes were terrifying they were filled with hatred and anger. Sh- she came at me with a knife intending to stab me but I raised my arm in enough time to protect myself the first time. She ripped the knife from my arm where it was previously was and I couldn't stop her this time... She stabbed me straight through the heart." Mai unable to continue collapsed into sobs. Madoka pulled Mai into her arms while Lin and I silently moved away.

"Naru the only other time she's experienced a first person dream was during the Urado case. I believe we should begin her training with Gene immediately; if her powers continue to grow at such a rapid pace... I'm worried what might happen the next time she experiences something like this."

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