The Fastball

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Teri and Sherri tried to keep their hands to themselves, especially when one of their children could walk in at any moment in time, but they had just received news that they could adopt Jonah the day before Christmas and they had plans to get married New Year's Eve. They couldn't help the make out session on the couch like two teenagers. The twins, Griffin, and Bayley were going to their respective dad's house right after school and they knew that Jonah was studying hard for finals at the MacArthur school library until his school night curfew.

They obviously lost track of time because when Jonah walked into the house, he saw Sherri on top of Teri heatedly making out like two teenagers, he cleared his throat to make his presence known.

The two pulled apart, embarrassed, but Sherri said, "Hi honey. How was your day?"

"It was good," he said. "A lot of prep work for parent day tomorrow."

The couple smiled remembering how a couple of nights before he had asked if they wanted to go. They immediately agreed knowing that this was one step closer for him to accept that they were his moms.

"We can't wait to see more than the front of your campus," Teri said as they got up to follow him into the kitchen. "Are you hungry?"

"I am," he said pulling out the leftover pizza from the night before. "I'm surprised this lasted this long with you two in the house."

"That's actually a new box," Sherri said sheepishly. "We didn't feel like cooking tonight."

"Yeah," Teri said. "We've got an adoption celebration to plan and a wedding."

"Did you get a date?" Jonah asked with excited wide eyes.

"We did," Sherri said. "Because both of your dad's are gone and we're the moms on The Fosters, the court approved our adoption paperwork pretty quickly."

"As of Christmas Eve, you will be a Saum Polo," Teri said with a smile.

Jonah's face spilt in two with a smile, "I can't wait," he said placing the pizza boxes down and hugging the two. Which was rare. They would always hug him and kiss him on the cheek or forehead, but never the other way around. It caught the women off guard.

"We love you baby," Teri murmured into his shoulder.

"Love you too," he murmured back.

He pulled away and the couple kissed each side of his cheeks and he went back to the discarded pizza box, "So about tomorrow," Sherri said, "anything we should know?"

"Ethan has already warned everybody that you two are coming and to basically take a chill pill over it. I'm the only student with celebrity parents, so I can't imagine they will." He said.

"We know how to deal with excited fans," Teri said. "Do you know what the schedule is tomorrow?"

Jonah pulled a piece of paper that was folded in fours from his back pocket and slid it over to his moms:

7:30am - Homeroom
8:00am - Morning assembly
9:00am - AP American Literature
9:50am - Philosophy
10:45am - Pre-Cal
11:45am - Lunch
12:05pm - Free period
1:05pm - Japenese
2:10pm - AP American History
3:00pm - Afternoon assembly
4:00pm - Class dismissed

"And then after that, baseball conditioning has their own conditioning, parents are strongly urged to come, but they don't have to," he said.

"Does school always get out at 4:00pm for you?" Teri asked.

He nodded, "But the last hour is usually study hall," he said. "Then I go to conditioning and then the Kenney's take me home."

They nodded, "Well we'd love to come to your conditioning," Sherri said. "Maybe you can teach me how to throw a fastball better than either one of the twins, Griffin, or Teri," she added grabbing Teri's shoulder.

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