The art of grieving

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It was rare to have the twins, Griffin, and Bayley home for a weekend, but when Jonah got up he heard doors slamming, the twins arguing, and a frazzled Teri and Sherri in the kitchen.

Ever since absolutely losing control on them a couple of weeks before, Jonah had been very wary around his mothers. He felt 100% awful and he treded lightly. He made it through his first mama grounding in complete stride and if he was honest, he needed to be close to his moms too.

When he came downstairs, he wasn't expecting a burnt breakfast and no coffee. It's not like he was a needy guy, but he was a little hungry and he did want coffee. He was going to hang out with Maia for the day and he didn't want to make her take him to go get food, but it looked like he needed to.

"Uhh," Jonah said as he walked into the kitchen.

"Oh hi honey," Sherri said and it looked like she had been crying.

"Should I just have Maia take me to go get some food?" He asked. "I can totally do that."

"Yeah," Teri answered for her wife. "That sounds like a good plan."

Jonah nodded and then took the plunge, "So uh not that it matters, but what's going on?" He asked.

A door slammed upstairs, it was evident something was going on, "It's the anniversary of Trevor." Teri said.

"Oh," Jonah said. "I'll just uh get out of your guys' way then."

"You don't have to." Sherri said coming to him. "This is your home too."

"Uh it's my dad's birthday today and before we go pick Taylor so that Maia can hang out with us and stamp her sisterly approval on her, we were going to stop by the gravesite." He said.

"Oh," the moms said.

"Hey," he said getting their full undivided attention. "It's fine. Maia and I already planned today out. And this way, you six can grieve Trevor together. And maybe the twins will stop swearing at each other in Spanish."

Sherri sighed and mumbled to her wife, "I'll go deal with it."

Jonah immediately felt a pang of guilt in his chest as he watched his mom leave the kitchen. Teri saw this and then immediately wrapped him up in her arms and after kissing his temple she murmured, "I love you baby boy."

"I love you too Mama." He said leaning into her a little more. "So much."

Teri smiled as she heard an Australian accent call out, "Jonah, you ready?"

"I am give me a second." He called back still in his mama's arms.

Maia walked into the kitchen to see Mama and Son in a long hug.

"Aww," Maia said. "This definitely is the cutest thing I've seen all day."

Jonah buried his face into Teri's chest for a little longer. Teri wouldn't say it out loud with Maia in the room, but this was one of her favorite positions to be in.

Sometimes she felt a little jealous towards Sherri and Jonah's relationship because he never usually buries himself into her like he does Sherri. She'd never say this out loud though. Not to him or her wife.

When Teri finally let go of Jonah she kissed his temple.

Jonah then looked at Maia and said, "I forgot my phone upstairs. I'll be ready when I get back down."

"It's fine. Take your time." Maia said. The girl really wanted to check in with Teri to see how the rest of the family was doing knowing that it was the anniversary of Trevor.

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