To new beginnings

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Jonah's first day back at MacArthur after being adopted was a little bit of a blur for him, between multiple congratulations and when he arrived at his locker that Monday morning, Taylor was waiting for him.

"Hey, good morning," she said.

"Good morning," he said hugging her. "So my moms are cool with it, just after our first date they want to meet you. Something about making sure you're not using me to get to know them and only that or something or another."

"No, I get it." She said. "But, just so you know I'm not."

"I know," he said. "So uhh I have practice after school today, but what about after school on Friday? We could go to that diner that gives us a discount on food and then we could maybe walk along the beach?"

"I really like the sound of that," she said. "You're a really thoughtful man, Mr. Saum Polo." She added pulling on each side of his blazer. "And maybe this weekend we can get the me meeting your moms out of the way?"

"Yeah," he said, "but I'll have to check in with them."

"Sounds good," she said.

The warning bell rang, "Hey, how about I walk you to class? It's right next to mine."

"You're a gentleman for sure." She said. "How does it feel? To be adopted?"

Taylor was a foster kid herself and that's kind of what clicked between the two of them. They shared the same levels of trials and they knew the feeling of longing for a forever family.

"It's like home base." Jonah said. "I hope you find your home base soon." He added while approaching her zero period classroom door.

"Me too," she said.

He gave her a hug and he then walked across the hall to his zero period classroom.

When he got to his hometown instead of yelling McCallister like they normally did, his home room yelled Saum Polo. He smiled really big.

Then on the loud speaker he heard, "Welcome back Titans! Hope you enjoyed your break! Speaking of which, over the break, I got to witness one of our very own be legally placed into his forever home. As you know, Jonah McCallister, the foster child from the death of his fathers, General Daniel McCallister and Dr. Kale Douglas, became Jonah Saum Polo, the son of, now in their personal lives, Teri and Sherri Saum Polo. Congratulations junior varsity captain! We are all very proud and excited for you."

Jonah smiled and Eli turned around and said, "Cross your fingers for me."

Jonah held out his fist for a fist bump and said, "Most definitely."

- - -

Sherri was walking on John Wayne, she had just been offered a position the board of the school before the Christmas and New Years break and after talking with her wife about it after the wedding she was on campus to agree to it.

"Mom?" Michael said almost horrified that his mom was on campus.

"Hey love," Sherri said kissing his head.

"What - what are you doing here?" Michael said.

"Oh, I was asked to be on the board and they wanted an answer in person." Sherri said.

"Oh," Michael said. "That's cool, I guess."

"You guess?" Sherri asked tilting her head.

"It's just I know some of the stipulations... like you'll never get to pubically root for Jonah ever again." Michael said.

"I know baby," Sherri said. "It'll be hard to break the news to him tonight."

"Teri could still pubically root for him, right?" Michael asked.

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