Fragile piece of glass

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Sherri was in the kitchen after dropping kids off at school on a Monday morning, she was washing dishes when she felt Teri's hands on her hips and felt the blonde's kisses trailing up her neck.

Sherri moaned, "Hi baby, how was your work out?" She asked knowing her wife went to the gym after dropping Jonah off at school.

"It was good," Teri said before continuing her assault of kisses up and down her wife's neck.

Sherri leaned her head to the side to give her wife a better access to her neck, "You're in a good mood," Sherri noticed.

"Well we haven't been home alone together without kids since our wedding night." She mentioned. "I want to take advantage of that."

"I could use a work out myself," Sherri joked as she turned around in Teri's arms. Teri picked her wife up and took her to the couch, not wanting to waste another second, "Your strength is a turn on baby." Sherri mentioned.

"Yeah?" Teri asked unbuttoning her wife's shirt.

"Such a turn on," Sherri said taking Teri's work out shirt off.

The two spent the next hour making love on the couch and as they were trying to catch their breath, Teri could notice that Sherri's thoughts were elsewhere.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Teri asked her wife, pulling her wife closer.

"Jonah," she said simply.

"What about him?" Teri asked kissing the top of Sherri's head.

"He's just been really distant lately." Sherri said. "Even when we cuddle with him. It's like he isn't there fully."

"I'm sure he's just trying to adjust to this being permanent, love. I'm sure it's not anything major." Teri assured pulling her wife to lie on top of her.

"What if it's still about my board position? Maybe I shouldn't have taken it." Sherri said with her head on her wife's chest. "I feel like I'm hurting him."

"He's not going to let you back out, I think he knows that you've wanted this for a long time. He isn't one to let people let dreams go because of him. I just know it." Teri said. "You gotta stop beating yourself up love."

"I know," Sherri said as her phone rang on the table. She reached for it and looked at the caller ID, "Why is MacArthur Prep calling me?" She asked sitting up, answering the phone, "Hello?"

"Hi, is this Sherri Saum Polo?" The person on the other line asked.

"This is her, may I ask who's calling?" The curly woman asked as Teri sat up.

This couldn't be good, why was Jonah's school calling them? He was a good kid.

"Yes, this is Mariah Richardson, I'm Jessie Kenney's assistant at MacArthur Preparatory Academy."

"Oh yes, hi." Sherri said as Teri rubbed her back.

"Hi, Jessie was wondering what the possibility for you to come in to talk about your son, Jonah Saum Polo."

"Uh we can make it work, may I ask what the problem is?" Sherri asked.

"I can connect you with Jessie herself as I don't know." The woman on the other line said.

"That would be great thank you." Sherri said.

Waiting music played for about twenty seconds before she heard, "Sherri?"

"Yes, hi Jessie. What's up?" She asked.

"It's about Jonah, his behavior has subtly changed over the last week or so. When could you come down to campus?"

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