What is family? pt. 2

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When Bree came to do her first monthly check in, she had expected something like this to happen. She had expected that he might have talked and then something happened and then he not talk again because over the last few years of being his social worker, he fell into that habit. And then that left one question for Teri, Sherri, and Jonah:

"Do you still want him here?" Bree asked the couple.

"Of course!" The immediately jumped. "We're pretty fond of him," Sherri added.

Then the same question to Jonah when it was just the two of them, "I need a verbal answer," she said. "It's just you and me, do you still want to live here?"

Jonah took a deep breath, "I do," he said softly; his voice hoarse. "I just need to earn their trust and I'd like them to earn mine, but Michael..." he trailed off.

"I understand kiddo," she said. "Really I do. Do you feel safe here?"

"I do," he said. "I haven't had to use the code word with Ms. Washington at school yet."

"I would like you to understand that you're not the only one adjsuting here," Bree said. "And that's not a guilt trip to get you to talk to Teri and Sherri and their children, but take that into consideration please."

"Yes ma'am," he said. "May I ask something?"

"Sure," she said.

"How do you know them?" He asked. "Like outside of them being certified foster parents."

"Sherri and I went to high school together back in Ohio when I was placed in my forever home." She answered. "She was the only one to be my friend even after me being adopted." Jonah nodded his head and then she changed the subject, "Speaking of school, how're your grades?"

He pulled out the progress report that he gave his coaches and her, "All grades are looking good. Straight A's per usual. I never have to worry with you." She said with a smile.

"I like school," he admitted, "and if that makes me a nerd, I'm fine with that."

Bree nodded her head, "Between your grades and obsession with comic books, I'm really not surprised that you're never had a girlfriend." She joked.

Although she was his social worker, Bree and Jonah had a friendship that went deeper than anybody could ever have. Their were times in the middle of the night in foster homes where he would call her in the middle of the night just crying and she would move him the next day immediately. Bree knew how the foster care system worked, she knew it was flawed and broken and she wanted to be apart of the change.

"I don't have time for that if I want to get into Stanford," he said with a smile.

"Yeah," Bree said, "any scholarships you looking to get at?"

"Football and baseball look promising, but we'll see." Jonah said.

"You're only a sophomore, you should really start worrying about that next year." Bree said.

"Definitely," he said.

"Alright kiddo," Bree said, "give me a call if you need anything." He nodded, "And try to talk to them, okay?"

"I won't make promises," he said, "but I will try."

"That's all I ask," Bree said.

- - -

Later that evening, Griffin came into the house and walked into the kitchen were his mom and stepmom were making dinner.

"What's for dinner?" He asked.

"Homemade mac and cheese," Sherri answered.

"Oooh my favorite," Griffin said genuinely. "Is Jonah home by any chance?" He asked without missing a beat.

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