Old wounds resurfaced

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Trigger warning: We are talking a little bit about child abuse in this chapter as we dive into Jonah's PTSD a little. Nothing too graphic, but still there.

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Teri and Sherri were cuddling on the couch as Teri was leaving for Canada for three weeks in a couple of days when they heard a knock on the door. Teri got up to answer it and when she did, she wasn't expecting what she was facing at the door, her middle son's girlfriend, in tears and shaking.

"Taylor?" Teri said, "Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry to bother you, but is Jonah here?" She asked.

"He is, come in, I'll get him." Teri said.

The girl came in and Teri called for Jonah on the intercom when Sherri came to see what was going on.

"Hi Taylor, what's going-" and that's when Sherri saw the tears and the shaking. "Honey, what's wrong?"

Jonah came downstairs and saw his girlfriend in the state she was in.

"My-my foster parents-" was all she could get out.

Jonah was there in an instant, "What did they do?" He asked softly yet firmly. "Did they hurt you?" Taylor nodded. "Physically?" She nodded again. "Oh baby." He said taking her in his arms and cradling her almost as he sat on the floor.

He got her to calm down and when she did, Sherri asked, "What's your social worker's name?"

"Bree Oxnard." She got out.

Sherri left the room with her phone in hand to call her son's girlfriend's social worker. The phone rang three times, "Hey Sherri," the voice said on the other line, "What's up? Have you found out whether or not you're pregnant yet?"

Sherri smiled, three weeks before, they had met up with Teri's brother, and did a round of an insemination and she had told her best friend over lunch a couple days later.

"Uh no, not yet," Sherri said into the phone.

"Then what's up?" Bree asked.

"I have one of your kids sitting on my couch in tears right now." Sherri said.

"Taylor?" She asked knowing that she and Jonah were dating now.

"Yeah," Sherri said looking into the room where Jonah still had his girlfriend cradled in his arms.

"I'm on my way," Bree said.

"See you soon." Sherri said before hanging up. When she walked back into the entryway, she said, "Let's go to the couch. It's more comfortable, your social worker is on her way."

"Do you have her on speed dial or something?" Taylor asked, somewhat jokingly.

"I do," Sherri said. "One because she was Jonah's social worker before he was adopted and two because she's one of my best friends."

"Oh," Taylor said as she curled into Jonah on the couch.

The four sat in silence for awhile before the doorbell rang, "I'll get it," Teri said. "You hold her," she said gesturing to Jonah, "and you sit a look pretty." She added gesturing to her wife.

The three of the let out a soft chuckle as Teri left the room, "Is she always like this?" Taylor asked.

"Pretty much," both Sherri and Jonah said sharing a smile at the timing.

"Taylor?" They heard the soft voice of her social worker as she and Teri made their ways into the room.

"Hi," Taylor said.

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