A step into the future

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of child/physical abuse - very mild and brief, but still there. We're diving into Jonah's foster care life a little.

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Jonah was sitting on the couch texting Sarah some link to some Batman thing she'd never understand, but he was waiting for his moms to be done making out in the kitchen so they could continue watching the basketball game they were watching. He only knew they were making out because he walked into the kitchen to see why it took two of them to get him a Coke and why it's taking them so long.

When the couple came back into the room, hand-in-hand, with his Coke, he said, "I'm not sure what is worse two teenagers with raging hormones or the two of you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Teri asked rubbing his neck a little.

"I totally just saw you two making out in there." He said.

The moms blushed, "Sorry baby boy," they both murmured.

"It's fine," he said snuggling into Sherri who was snuggled into Teri. "I know this should be your honeymoon and everything."

Sherri kissed the top of his head, "The other kids had a point, it was a little unfair of us to jip you of some much needed mamas time after the adoption," Teri said.

"I just don't want to get in the way of your time together," he reasoned. "I know having five kids is probably stressful for the two of you."

"Just because you are play Stef and Lena doesn't mean we are Stef and Lena." Teri said.

"Yeah honey," Sherri said rubbing his arm. "And we would've taken a real honeymoon too."

"We love you so very much baby boy," Teri said.

"I'm not sure how," Jonah mumbled so they couldn't understand him.

"What's that baby?" Sherri asked.

Jonah shot up from his place on the couch and had his back turned to the women while running a hand through his hair.

"Baby?" Teri murmured. "What's going on?"

"I'm a lot more broken than you probably realize." He said turning back to them. "The foster care system fucked me up real bad. I'm not sure how you could love me like one of you gave birth to me. I'm not sure how you saw past whatever it was to adopt me."

There it was. What the couple was scared to hear.

"Baby," Teri breathed getting up.

"I don't get it." He said not hearing her. "I don't get how you could've possibly fallen in love with me. I don't get how I could be some sort of replacement of a son that should be here." The couple didn't respond. They would when the boy was done, but not a second earlier. "I don't get how I wormed my way into your hearts. I just don't get it. Nobody adopts older kids. That's a rarity. What could I possibly have that you two would've wanted?"

The room fell silent before Teri got up and put her hands on both sides of his face and said, "Okay first off, I'm not sure how many times we have to tell you, but you, Jonah David Saum Polo, are not a replacement to Trevor." She caressed his cheeks. "And we fell in love with because you are a sweet, compassion, yet passionate and strong young man who deserved a home - not a temporary placement. You are an amazing boy and we love you."

Sherri got up and stood next to her wife and said, "We know the foster care system wasn't kind to you. Bree told us to wait until you're ready to let you talk to us about it. Are you ready to talk about it?"

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