In the result of anger

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Teri lied on her back in bed several nights later with Sherri cuddled into her. Since finding out about her mother, she had been really subdued. She found herself more often than not staring at the ceiling.

She was lost in her thoughts when she heard, "Can I do anything to help shut off your brain?" Sherri mumbled half conscious.

"Uh no, sorry." Teri said. "Did I wake you?"

Sherri snuggled into her wife more, "No." She answered. "I hate seeing you like this baby."

"I'm really sorry love," Teri said. "I know I haven't been the greatest wife as of late."

"It has to be hard hearing about your mom," Sherri said kissing Teri's neck, "but I do want my strong wife back."

Teri smiled and said, "You sure that you don't mind Bayley here while I go to Canada for work?" Teri asked changing the subject.

"Positive," Sherri said. "I wanna snuggle with my Bayley too."

"She's been really quiet lately." Teri mentioned.

"She probably feels guilty for talking to your parents even after they disowned you." Sherri said.

"From what my understanding is, they contacted her and she didn't want to be rude and tell them to stop. That's alright in my book."

"But not Griffin's." Sherri mentioned.

Teri took a deep breath, they told Griffin the night that Bayley told Teri and the boy went off on his sister in a way nobody has ever seen before.

- - -

When Teri got home from her mother-son date with Jonah, Bayley was sitting on the front porch with her head in her hands.

"Go inside and cuddle with Mom honey. She missed you." Teri said to Jonah. "And could you send Grif out too?"

The boy nodded and went inside and Teri went to her daughter and pulled her into her lap and began rocking and humming.

"What's going on?" Griffin asked as he came outside to see his mother rocking his sister back and forth.

"Sit down baby," Teri said gesturing to the chair in across from her.

"What's going on?" Griffin repeated his earlier question.

"Your sister has been in contact with your shared grandparents." Teri said.

"What? Why?" Griffin asked.

"They contacted me, not the other way around." Bayley argued.

"And you contacted them back?" Griffin asked not believing what he was hearing.

"I thought maybe they had a change of heart, maybe they'd allow Mom back into their life." Bayley said almost crying.

"People like that don't change Bayley and I'm not putting my heart on the line for it to get broken into a million pieces." Griffin said.

"Alright," Teri said as she reached out for her son. "Let's go easy on your sister, okay?"

Griffin took a deep breath and said, "Fine, but tell me what's really going on please."

"Grandma has stage four pancreatic cancer." Bayley got out.

Griffin shot up and rubbed a rough hand over his face and went to the edge of the porch.

When he turned back around, his mother and sister were actually worried on what would come out of his mouth.

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