The lucky one

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Sherri rolled off of Teri. They were in New York doing press for the show and were taking advantage of an entire hotel room to themselves.

They were lying on their backs trying to catch their breath and Sherri said, "We've been in New York four hours and in our hotel room for two. Not that I mind, but what brought on your need for sex."

"You kept stroking my thigh on the plane." Teri said. "And by the time that we landed I was so aroused that I couldn't wait to get to the hotel room and show you how I was feeling."

"I keep telling you your strength is a turn on. The way you lifted me up and took me against the wall is what made me want to do all four rounds."

Teri hummed, "It's not my fault you're so damn beautiful." She said. "But the thigh stroking is a turn on for me now I guess."

"A lot of things have been turning you on lately." Sherri said. "Me folding Jonah's laundry last night. Me helping Griffin with his Calculus homework. Me cuddling with Bayley. Or doing pretty much anything motherly to any of our children."

"I'm sorry." Teri said.

"You don't have to apologize," Sherri said. "Unless you're avoiding talking to me about something." She added knowing that the boycotted the baby conversation for the last couple of weeks.

Teri sighed knowing that they needed to have this conversation, "Do you really want to have a baby?" She asked.

"I mean, kind of. It's not that I love our kids any less, I just - I just want to raise a child with you." Sherri said softly.

"What about Jonah?" Teri asked rolling to her side to spoon her wife.

Sherri rolled away from her wife as the blonde spooned her, "He seemed okay with it when he brought it up." Sherri said.

"He also called himself damaged in that same conversation." Teri reasoned.

"Honey," Sherri said. "If you don't want to have a baby please cut the crap and tell me."

"It's not that I don't want to have one," Teri defended. "I'm just afraid of getting hurt again. I'm not up for that."

"Let me go to Doctor Radford and see if it's even possible for me to still get pregnant and go from there." Sherri said.

"What about the twins, Griffin, and Bayley?" Teri asked. "Is it fair for us to ask them be okay with this?"

"It's not like they live with us full time anyway." Sherri said.

"And what if we have what happened with Trevor all over again? Is it fair to ask them to risk going through all of that again? Or Jonah, he's 15 and has already lost so much, is it fair to ask him to risk losing a sibling?" Teri took a deep breath, "I want nothing more than to raise a child from the very beginning with you, but I also want to be logical here."

"I understand baby." Sherri said. "Really I do. Can we just continue talking about this?"

"Of course my love." Teri said kissing her wife's neck. "I love you."

"I love you too," Sherri said. "So much."

They cuddled in silence for awhile before Sherri's phone buzzed with a text message.

"Who's it from?" Teri asked as her wife reached for the phone.

"Jonah," Sherri answered with a small smile. "He got a perfect score on his philosophy paper."

"That one that he spent all weekend several weekends ago writing?" Teri asked.

"Yeah," Sherri answered. "He sent it to you too."

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