What is family? pt. 1

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This isn't the first time Jonah's ever been in a foster home, but it is the first time that Jonah's ever been in a foster home with a bunch of morning people. He came downstairs the first Monday and the twins were making breakfast, Griffin and Bayley were making lunches, and Teri and Sherri were frantically making sure things were signed and everybody had everything.

"Oh cool morning Jonah," Griffin said, "turkey or ham?"

"The foster care program pays for my lunch at school," he said softly.

"Sweet," Bayley said. "One less lunch to make."

"Good morning Jonah," Teri said squeezing his shoulder and he tensed a little, "Sorry, I forget that you're not used to it."

"Not from a foster parent, no." He said, "From Ethan and Jessie Kenney is a different story."

"They're picking you up this morning, yes?" Teri asked.

"They're on their way." He said. "They want to meet you, it's their protocol with the foster families that I'm in. Just in case, Sarah wants to come over."

"Sounds like a good protocol." Sherri said as the doorbell rang.

"They're the principal and guidance counselor at school," he said with an apologetic look on his face.

"Y'know you apologize a lot more than any teenager I've met," Teri said as she and Sherri went with him to get the door.

Jonah smiled and opened the door, "Hey guys," he said hugging the three people at the door, "come in. Come in." The three people came in and then Jonah said, "Uh Ethan, Jessie, Sarah, these are my foster moms, Teri and Sherri. Teri and Sherri, these are the Kenney's, Ethan, Jessie, and Sarah."

"Sarah has told us all about you," Jessie said. "From what Jonah here has told her."

Teri and Sherri looked at the boy, "What can I say?" He said with a small smile, "She is a bigger fan than I am of The Foster's."

Teri and Sherri smiled at the girl, "Well if you come in, you could meet the rest of our kids? And this one can have breakfast," Teri said trying not to squeeze his shoulder.

"Oh we have his breakfast in the car," Sarah said. "He drinks a protein shake every school morning."

Jonah cringed, "I hope that's okay," he said. He didn't want to offend either party. The Kenney's because they made him a protein shake or the Saum Polo family because they made him breakfast.

"Of course it's okay buddy," Sherri tried to assure. "We're going to give you the most familiarity than you need, okay?"

"Okay," he said making his way into the kitchen for the Kenney's to meet his foster siblings.

"Okay my babies," Teri said, "Sherri, Jonah, and I want you to meet some people."

The Kenney's stood there watching the kids work around each other, obviously as if it's a usual Monday morning.

"What's up?" Griffin said after he put a sandwich in John's lunch box.

"Yeah, what's up?" Michael said. "More people? Are you serious?"

Sherri who had come behind the twins flicked the boys ear, "Behave," she said softly yet firmly.

"Jonah, you want to introduce them," Teri asked.

"Uh yeah sure," he said. "Uhhh, Ethan, Jessie, and Sarah, these kids are my foster siblings, this is Griffin," he said pointing at the boy putting sandwiches in lunch boxes, "Bayley, John, and Michael," he said. "Uh guys, these are the Kenney's, Ethan, Jessie, and Sarah."

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